Page:The Dramas of Aeschylus (Swanwick).djvu/412

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Prometheus Bound.

With stubborn shackles to this desert height, 20
Where neither voice nor form of living man
Shall meet thy ken; but, shrivelled by the blaze
Of the bright sun, thy skin's fair bloom shall wither;
Welcome to thee shall glittering-vestured night
O'erveil the brightness; welcome too the sun
Shall with new beams scatter the morning rime;
Thus evermore shall weight of present ill
Outwear thee: for as yet is no one born
Who may relieve thy pain: such meed hast thou
From mortal-loving wont;—for thou, a god,
Not crouching to the wrath of gods, didst bring
To mortal men high gifts, transgressing right. 30
Hence shalt thou sentinel this joyless rock,
Erect, unsleeping, bending not the knee;
And many a moan shalt pour and many a plaint,
Vainly; for Zeus obdurate is of heart;
And harsh is every one when new of sway.


Let be! Why dally and vain pity vent?
This god, to gods most hateful, why not hate,
Who thy prerogative to men betrayed?


Awful is kindred blood, and fellowship.


True, but the father's word to disobey— 40
How many that be? Fearest not that still more?