Page:The Dramas of Aeschylus (Swanwick).djvu/524

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The Suppliants.

"incestuous marriages involve the gods in guilt:" ἐναγέα must be the predicate. I propose to change πελομένων to πέλοι ἂν οὐ, which gives the sense excellently. On comparing the strophe, it seems likely that v. 116 contains epithets of τέλεα, as v. 105 of μέλεα. To read for v. 116 ἐπίδρομα, νόθα, θανατοσαγῆ, would be very close to the letters; but I think θανατοσαπῆ, "laden with death," more likely, and it is but Γ for Π. Ἐπίδρομα I render invasive.

118, 119. Punctuate with comma after πόνοι, and with full-stop after ἀπάξει, and interpret, "The distresses are indefinable, into what the wave is to carry us;" that is, "It is doubtful, into what ——"

127. I do not think that δόμος δορὸς can mean a house of timber, as Scholefield seems to join it, but δορὸς perhaps ought to be δοραῖς hides.

203–206, of Scholefield, but 207–10, of the Oxford pocket edition, seem to be out of order. The first two lines should change places, and the fourth should be first.

244. τηρὸν is difficult to justify and difficult to condemn; but I think ἱερόραβδον to be a fair and satisfactory correction of ἱεροῦ ῥάβδον.

309. It seems impossible that ῥυσίων can be correct. I suggest ψαυσέων, strokings, caresses, equivalent to ἐπαφησέων. The next line, which is lost, may have been τίς οὖν ἐς Ἔπαφον (or τίς δῆτα κείνῳ) κλεινὸν ἀναφέρει γένος.

394. μὴ τοῖον, for unlucky, evil, is not plausible, μὴ τερπνὸν may suggest itself; but there are too many other possibilities. I conjecture μεμπτέον.

485. For the unmeaning εὖ ῥέοντα I suggest ἐγκ ρέογτα, equivalent to ἐμβασιλεύοντα.

488. πολισσούχων all regard as wrongly repeated from the preceding line. One may suggest πολυλλίστους, or πολυξείνους ἕδρας. Paley's περιστυλους is also good.