Page:The Dream of Pythagoras and Other Poems.djvu/32

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Into my burning bosom; then, for joy,
My spirit rush'd into my lovely guest,
And I became a dewdrop. Then, once more,
My life was joyous, for the kingly sun
Carried me up into the firmament.
And hung me in a rainbow, and my soul
Was robed in seven bright colours, and became
A jewel in the sky. So did I learn
The first great lessons; mark ye them, my sons.
Obedience is nobility; and meek
Humility is glory; self alone
Is base; and pride is pain; patience is power;
Beneficence is bliss. And now first brought
To know myself and feel my littleness,
I was to learn what greatness is prepar'd
For virtuous souls, what mighty war they wage,
What vast impossibilities o'ercome.
What kingdoms^ and infinitude of love.
And harmony, and never-ending joy.
And converse and communion with the great
And glorious Mind unknown,—are given to high.
And godlike souls.

"Therefore the winds arose.

And shook me from the rainbow where I hung,