Page:The Duke Decides (1904).djvu/243

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A Delicate Mission

which she gave to her cabman, but he noticed the not unexpected fact that here in London she had no desire for his society. She had hurried into the vehicle without looking round for him, and was driven away at a pace that betokened special instructions to the driver.

Forsyth took another cab and bade his man keep the first cab in sight. Before long he perceived that the lady was in truth going to Bond Street, and presently he had the satisfaction of seeing her discharge her cab and skip lightly into the shop of a fashionable modiste in that thoroughfare. His complacence was a little marred by uncertainty whether she had observed him or not, but from the quick turn of her head as she crossed the pavement he was rather inclined to think that she had.

“It doesn’t matter, really,” he reflected. “‘She knows that we suspect her complicity, or she wouldn’t have tried to blind her trail to the hotel by driving here first. Strange, though, that, suspecting that, she should have taken so much trouble.”

He ordered his driver to take him to the Hotel Cecil, and at the same time to keep a lookout to see whether they in turn were being
