Page:The Duke Decides (1904).djvu/263

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Where is the Duke?

The next day was that set for the arrival of Senator Sherman, though it would be quite late in the afternoon before he could reach Prior’s Tarrant from Liverpool. Mrs. Sherman had addressed a letter to him on board the Campania, explaining matters and passing on a cordial invitation from Beaumanoir that he would join the party on landing.

Latterly there had been an entire absence of the excursions and alarums which had marked the earlier days of the house-party. General Sadgrove and Alec Forsyth had relaxed none of their vigilance, and Azimoolah still ranged the glades of the park, but no more unauthorized artists had put in an appearance, nor had any member of the party suffered from headache, entailing the strange cure of a midnight journey.

On this eventful morning it so happened that the ladies were all assembled in the breakfast-room before any of the gentlemen
