Page:The Duke Decides (1904).djvu/270

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The Duke Decides

same errand. Mrs. Talmage Eglinton is as much bewildered as we are by the turn of events, and she has been trying to arrive at conclusions from an inspection of the Duke’s room.”

They began their “rummage,” which was made easier for them by the fact that the housemaids had not yet paid their morning visit to the room. The bed had certainly been slept in, and there were also indications that the occupant had made a perfunctory sort of toilet afterwards. There was fresh lather on a shaving-paper, and soapy water in the washbasin, to show that Beaumanoir had been able to attend to his person.

“Whatever has happened to him didn’t happen here,” said the General with decision. “He left this room a free agent, at all events. The question then arises, When and why did he leave it, and has he left the confines of the park?”

“He must have made a cold toilet,” said Forsyth. “See, here is the hot water which was brought up for him at eight o’clock this morning, and also the water for his tub.”

He stepped outside into the corridor and pointed to a small and a large can that had
