Page:The Duke Decides (1904).djvu/36

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The Duke Decides

“Chloroform him first; then you must dispose of him at leisure,’’ came the monotonous piping treble from the invalid chair.

One of the assailants made immediate preparations for obeying the behest, but just as he was about to saturate a handkerchief Ziegler laughed shrilly:

“Let him alone, boys. He lied to me, and I wanted to give him a lesson—that’s all.”

The men, at a sign from their chief, retired into the bedroom.

“Now, perhaps you will recognize that I am not to be played with, your Grace,” squeaked Mr. Ziegler. “Also that my ears are as long as my arms. I have known for some days that the gentleman whom my good friend Jevons was able to procure has had a sudden change in his fortunes, and I congratulate myself upon it. It doubles your value to us, all the more since your early call upon me after landing shows that you mean to abide by your bargain. But there must be no more petty reservations and concealments like that. If you try them on, rest assured that they will be detected and dealt with.”

The Duke straightened his rumpled collar, and looked, as he felt, a beaten man. The
