Page:The Dunciad - Alexander Pope (1743).djvu/129

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The Dunciad.
Book II.

Now at his head the dextrous task commence,
And, instant, fancy feels th' imputed sense; 200
Now gentle touches wanton o'er his face,
He struts Adonis, and affects grimace:
Rolli[R 1] the feather to his ear conveys,
Then his nice taste directs our Operas:
Bentley his mouth[R 2] with classic flatt'ry opes, 205
And the puff'd orator bursts out in tropes.


  1. Ver. 203. Paolo Antonio Rolli, an Italian Poet, and writer of many Operas in that language, which, partly by the help of his genius, prevailed in England near twenty years. He taught Italian to some fine Gentlemen, who affected to direct the Operas.
  2. Ver. 205. Bently his mouth, &c.] Not spoken of the famous Dr. Richard Bentley, but of one Thom. Bentley, a small critic, who aped his uncle in a little Horace. The great one was intended to be dedicated to the Lord Hallifax, but (on a change of the Ministry) was given to the Earl of Oxford; for which reason the little one was dedicated to his son the Lord Harley. A taste of this Classic Elocution may be seen in his following Panegyric on the Peace of Utrecht. Cupinus Patrem tuum, fulgentissimum illud Orbis Anglicani jubar, adorare. O ingens Reipublicæ nostræ columen! O fortunatam tante Heroe Britanniam! Illi tali tantoque viro Deum per Omnia adsuisse, manumque ejus & mentem direxisse, Certissimum est. Hujus enim Unius ferme opera, æquisimis & perhonorificis conditionibus, diuturno, heu nimium! bello, finem impositum videmus. O Diem æterna memoria dignissimam! qua terrores Patriæ omnes excidit, Pacemque diu ex eptatam toti fere Europae restituit, ille Populi Anglicani Amor, Harleius.
    Thus critically (that is verbally) translated:
    "Thy Father, that most refulgent star of the Anglican Orb, we much desire to adore! Oh mighty Column of our Republic! Oh Britain, fortunate in such an Hero! That to such and so great a Man God was ever present, in every thing, and all along directed both his hand and his heart, is a Most Absolute Certainty! For it is in a manner by the operation of this Man alone, that we behold a War (alas! how much too long an one!) brought at length to an end, on the most just and most honourable Conditions. Oh Day eternally to be memorated! wherein All the Terrors of his Country were ended, and a Peace (long wish'd for by almost all Europe) was restored by Harley, the Love and Delight of the People of England."
    But that this Gentleman can write in a different style, may be seen in a letter he printed to Mr. Pope, wherein several