Page:The Dunciad - Alexander Pope (1743).djvu/175

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The Dunciad.
Book III.
And last, to give the whole creation grace,
Lo! one vast Egg[R 1] produces human race.
Joy fills his soul, joy innocent of thought;
250 What pow'r, he cries, what pow'r these wonders wrought?
Son; what thou seek'st is in thee![I 1] Look, and find
Each Monster meets his likeness in thy mind.
Yet would'st thou more? In yonder cloud behold,
Whose sarsenet skirts are edg'd with flamy gold,
255 A matchless Youth! his nod these worlds controuls,
Wings the red lightning, and the thunder rolls. [I 2]
Angel of Dulness, sent to scatter round
Her magic charms o'er all unclassic ground:
Yon stars, yon suns, he rears at pleasure higher,
260 Illumes their light, and sets their flames on fire.
Immortal Rich![R 2] how calm he sits at ease
'Mid snows of paper, and fierce hail of pease;


  1. Ver. 248. Lo! one vast Egg] In another of these Farces Harlequin is hatched upon the stage, out of a large Egg.
  2. Ver. 261. Immortal Rich!] Mr. John


  1. Ver. 251. Son? what thou seeks is in thee:]
    Quod petis in te est ——
    ——Ne te quæsiveris extra.Pers.

  2. Ver. 256. Wings the red light'ning, &c.] Like Salmoneus in Æn. vi.
    Dum flammas Jovis, & sonitus imitatur Olympi.
    ——nimbos, & non imitabile fulmen,
    Ære & cornipedum cursu simularat equorum.