Page:The Dunciad - Alexander Pope (1743).djvu/218

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Book IV.
The Dunciad.
Still bears them, faithful; and that thus I eat,
390 Is to refund the Medals with the meat.
To prove me, Goddess! clear of all design,
Bid me with Pollio sup, as well as dine:
There all the Learn'd shall at the labour stand,
And Douglas[R 1] lend his soft, obstetric hand.
395 The Goddess smiling seem'd to give consent;
So back to Pollio, hand in hand, they went.
Then thick as Locusts black'ning all the ground,[R 2]
A tribe, with weeds and shells fantastic crown'd,
Each with some wond'rous gift approach'd the Pow'r,
400 A Nest, a Toad, a Fungus, or a Flow'r.
But far the foremost, two, with earnest zeal,
And aspect ardent to the Throne appeal.
The first thus open'd: Hearthy suppliant's call,
Great Queen, and common Mother of us all!
405 Fair from its humble bed I rear'd this Flow'r,
Suckled, and chear'd, with air, and sun, and show'r,


    Kings succeeded in the division of the Macedonian Empire, and whose Horns they wore on their Medals.

  1. Ver. 394. Douglas] A Physician of great Learning and no less Taste; above all curious in what related to Horace, of whom he collected every Edition, Translation, and Comment, to the number of several hundred volumes.
  2. Ver. 397. Then thick as locusts black'ning all the ground,] The similitude of Locusts does not refer more to the numbers than to the qualities of the Virtuosi: who not only devour and lay waste every tree, shrub, and green leaf in their Course, i.e. of experiments; but suffer neither a moss nor fungus to escape untouched. Scribl.