Page:The Dunciad - Alexander Pope (1743).djvu/275

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Concanen, (Mat.) one of the Authors of the Weekly Journals, ii. 299.
——— Declar'd that when this Poem had Blanks, they meant Treason, iii. 297.
——— Of opinion that Juvenal never satiriz'd the Poverty of Codrus, ii.144.
Corncutter's Journal, what it cost, ii. 314.
Critics, verbal ones, must have two Postulata allowed them, ii. 1.
Cat-calls, ii. 231.
Curl, Edm. his Panegyric, ii. 58.
——— His Corinna, and what she did, 70.
——— His Prayer, 80–Like Eridanus, 182.
——— Much favour'd by Cloacina, 97, &c.
——— Tost in a Blanket and whipped, 151.
——— Pillory'd, ii. 3.
Caroline, a curious Flower, its fate, iv. 409, &c.

Dullness, the Goddess; her Original and Parents, i. 12. Her ancient Empire, 17. Her Public College, i. 29. Academy for Poetical Education, 33. Her Cardinal Virtues, 45, &c. Her Ideas, Productions, and Creation, 55. &c. Her Survey and Contemplation of her Works, 79, &c. And of her Children, 93. Their uninterrupted Succession, 98, &c. to 108. Her appearance to Cibber, 261. She manifests to him her Works, 273, &c. Anoints him, 287, &c. Institutes Games at his Coronation, ii. 18, &c. The manner how she makes a Wit, ii. 47. A great Lover of a Joke, 34.—And loves to repeat the same over again, 122. Her ways and means to procure the Pathetick and Terrible in Tragedy, 225, &c. Incourages Chattering and Bawling, 237, &c. And is Patroness of Party-writing and railing, 276, &c. Makes use of the heads of Critics as Scales to weigh the heaviness of Authors, 367. Promotes Slumber with the Works of the said Authors, ibid. The wonderful Virtue of sleeping in her Lap, iii. 5, &c. Her Elysium, 15, &c. The Souls of her Sons dipt in Lethe, 23. How brought into the world, 29. Their Transfiguration and Metempsychosis, 50. The Extent and Glories of her Empire, and her Conquests throughout the World, iii. 67. to 138. A Catalogue of her Poetical Forces in this Nation, 139 to 212. Prophecy of her Restoration, 333, &c. Accomplishment of it, Book iv. Her Appearance on the Throne, with the Sciences led in triumph, iv. 21, &c. Tragedy and Comedy silenced, 37. General Assembly of all her Votaries, 73. Her Patrons, 95. Her Critics, 115. Her Sway in the Schools 149 to 180. And Universities, 189 to 274. How she educates Gentlemen in their Travels, 293 to 334—Constitutes Virtuosi in Science, 355, &c. Free-thinkers in Religion, 459. Slaves and Dependents in Government, 505. Finally turns them to Beasts, but preserves the Form of Men, 525. What sort of Comforters she sends them, 529, &c. What Orders and Degrees she confers on them, 565. What Performances she expects from them, according to their several Ranks and Degrees, 583. The powerful Yawn she breaths on them, 605, &c. Its Progress and Effects, 607, &c. till the Consummation of All, in the total Extinction of the reasonable Soul, and Restoration of Night and Chaos, usq. ad fin.
Dispensary of Dr. Garth, ii. 140.
De Foe, Daniel, in what resembled to William Prynn, i. 103