Page:The Early Indian Wars of Oregon.djvu/275

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spective vacancies occasioned thereby, which by personal inter views with some of the officers would seem never reached this office; and most likely there were some commissioned officers who acted in their respective capacities, who have not been reported, and the same may be the case with some of the privates.

In the case of H. A. G. Lee s extra official report under the mark of B, the said men have not been reported to this office at all, and this is the reason they are not enrolled among the other companies under the letter A. These men responded to their country s call, and were on the line of march without an hour s warning to avenge their country s wrongs and shall they have no pay?

And likewise, in the case of Captain Levi Scott, who commanded the California expedition, whose report came into my office this day. That officer, and those connected with him, underwent many hard ships and fatigues in the service of their country. It was deemed by the governor, and the community generally, that an express to California would, in a measure, relieve this government from its then critical situation, which was ardently desired by all. Captain Levi Scott was commissioned the seventh of March, 1848, with grade as captain ; and from the fifth of February, 1848, likewise, Captain Felix Scott, L. N. English, first lieutenant, and J. H. Lewis, second lieutenant. These officers were commissioned the tenth of May, 1848, with the grade respectively, and rank from the first of May, 1848. How long, and what time, these said officers and privates were in service, has never been reported to this depart ment. J. M. Garrison was commissioned as captain the seventh of March, 1848, and took command of a small reinforcement and pro ceeded to The Dalles, where said Garrison was directed to remain, subject to the orders of the commandant in the field. How long the said Garrison served in that capacity is unknown to this depart ment.

I herewith transmit further for your consideration and informa tion all military orders issued by the governor that did not pass through this department, under the letter H. Every information and explanation that is in the power of this department will be cheerfully given, while I have the honor to remain, gentlemen, Your very humble and obedient servant,

A. L. LOVEJOY, Adj utant-General.

Accompanying this report was the following:


OREGON CITY, December 1, 1848. To His Excellency, George Abernethy, Governor of Oregon :

SIR : Herewith I beg to transmit a report of the amount due the several companies composing the first regiment of Oregon riflemen