Page:The Early Indian Wars of Oregon.djvu/511

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"But we had no time for mere admiration, for other work was at hand. Orders were at once issued for the artillery and infantry to be deployed as skirmishers, and advance them down the hill, driving the Indians before them from their coverts until they reached the plain, where the dragoons would act against them. At the same time, Lieutenant White with the howitzer battery, supported by company A under Lieutenant Tyler and the rifles, was sent to the right to drive them out of the woods. The latter met with a vigorous resistance; but a few discharges of the howitzer with their spirited attack soon dislodged the enemy and compelled them to take refuge on the hills.

"In the mean while, the companies moved down the hill with all the precision of a parade, and as we rode along the line it was pleasant to see the enthusiasm of the men to get within reach of the enemy. As soon as they were within some six hundred yards they opened fire, and delivered it steadily as they advanced. Our soldiers aimed regularly, though it was no easy task to hit their shifting marks. The Indians acted as skirmishers, advancing rapidly and delivering their fire, then retreating with a quickness and irregularity which rendered it difficult to reach them. They were wheeling and dashing about, always on the run, apparently each fighting on his own account.

"But minie balls and long range rifles were things with which now for the first time they were to be made acquainted. As the line advanced, first we saw one Indian reel in his saddle and fall—then two or three—then half a dozen. Then some horses would dash madly forward, showing that the balls were telling upon them. The instant, however, that the 'braves' fell, they were seized by their companions and dragged to the rear, to be borne off. We saw one Indian leading off a horse with two of his dead companions tied on it.

"But in a few minutes, as the line drew nearer, the fire became too heavy, and the whole array broke and fled