Page:The Early Kings of Norway.djvu/126

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  • The king accordingly returned home to his lodging,

'taking Gudbrand's son as a hostage; hut he gave ' them a man as hostage in exchange. In the even- ' ing the king asked Gudbrand's son what their God ' was like ? He replied that he bore the likeness of

  • Thor; had a hammer in his hand; was of great

' size, but hollow within ; and had a high stand, upon ' which he stood when he was out. " Neither gold

  • nor silver are wanting about him, and every day he
  • receives four cakes of bread, besides meat." They
  • then went to bed ; but the king watched all night in

' prayer. When day dawned the king went to mass ; ' then to table, and from thence to the Thing. The 'weather was such as Gudbrand desired. Now the 'Bishop stood up in his choir-robes, with bishop's ' coif on his head, and bishop's crosier in his hand.

  • He spoke to the Bonders of the true faith, told the

'many wonderful acts of God, and concluded his ' speech well.

  • Thord Potbelly replies, " Many things we are told

' of by this learned man with the staff in his hand,

  • crooked at the top like a ram's horn. But since you

'say, comrades, that your God is so powerful, and