Page:The Early Kings of Norway.djvu/130

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120 EARLY KINGS OF NORWAY. ' visions to. You see now that the protecting powers, ' who used and got good of all that, were the mice ' and adders, the reptiles and lizards ; and surely they ' do ill who trust to such, and will not abandon this

  • folly. Take now your gold and ornaments that are
  • lying strewed on the grass, and give them to your

' wives and daughters, but never hang them hereafter

  • upon istocks and stones. Here are two conditions

'between us to choose upon: either accept Chris-

  • tianity, or fight this very day, and the victory be to
  • them to whom the God we worship gives it."
  • Then Dale Gudbrand stood up and said, " We
  • have sustained great damage upon our God ; but

' since he will not help us, we will believe in the God ' whom thou believest in." 'Then all received Christianity. The Bishop 'baptised Gudbrand and his son. King Olaf and

  • Bishop Sigurd left behind them teachers ; and they

' who met as enemies parted as friends. And after-

  • wards Gudbrand built a church in the valley.'*

Olaf was by no means an unmerciful man, — much the reverse where he saw good cause. There was a

  • Snorro, il pp. 156-161.