Page:The Early Kings of Norway.djvu/162

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152 EARLY KINGS OF NORWAY. farm near the spot; whither a poor blind beggar creeping in for shelter that very evening, was miracu- lously restored to sight. And, truly with a notable, almost miraculous, speed, the feelings of all Norway for King Olaf changed themselves, and were turned upside down, ' within a year/ or almost within a day. Superlative example of Extindus amabitur idem. Not 'Olaf the Thick-set' any longer, but ' Olaf the Blessed ' or Saint, now clearly in Heaven ; such the name and character of him from that time to this. Two churches dedicated to him (out of four that once stood) stand in London at this moment. And the miracles that have been done there, not to speak of Norway and Christendom elsewhere, in his name, were numerous and great for long centuries after- wards. Visibly a Saint Olaf ever since; and, in- deed, in Bollandus or elsewhere, I have seldom met with better stuff to make a Saint of, or a true World- Hero in all good senses. Speaking of the London Olaf Churches, I should have added that from one of these the thrice-famous Tooley Street gets its name, — where those Three Tailors, addressing Parliament and the Universe,