Page:The Early Kings of Norway.djvu/192

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182 EARLY KINGS OF NORWAY. times as many as four kings simultaneously fighting ; — and in Norway, from sire to son, nothing but sanguinary anarchy, disaster and bewilderment; a Country sinking steadily as if towards absolute ruin. Of all which frightful misery and discord Irish Gylle, styled afterwards King Harald Gylle, was, by ill destiny and otherwise, the visible origin : an illegiti- mate Irish Haarfagr who proved to be his own de- struction, and that of the Haarfagr kindred altogether ! -i Sigurd himself seems always to have rather favoured GyUe, who was a cheerful, shrewd, patient, witty and effective feUow; and had at first much quizzing to endure, from the younger kind, on account of his Irish way of speaking Norse, and for other reasons. One evening, for example, while the drink was going round, Gylle mentioned that the Irish had a wonder- ful talent of swift running, and that there were among them people who could keep up with the swiftest horse. At which, especially from young Magnus, there were peals of laughter ; and a declara- tion from the latter that GyUe and he would have it tried to-morrow morning ! GyUe in vain urged that