Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/10

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The British Economic Association was founded at a Meeting held at University College, London, on November 20th, 1890, the Chancellor of the Exchequer being in the chair. The object of the Association is the advancement of economic knowledge by the issue of a Journal and other printed publications, and by such other means as the Association may from time to time agree to adopt.

It is intended that the Journal should represent all shades of economic opinion, and be the organ not of one school of economists, but ot all schools; and it has been thought that this end will be best attained by the publication of the Journal under the authority of an Economic Association.

The Association may gradually enlarge the scope of its action. It may supply a common meeting-place for English economists, and bring them together from time to time. It may increase its issues of economic publications, such as translations of foreign works, reprints of old and rare economic classics, &c. And lastly, if its funds suffice for the purpose, it may do good service by promoting economic investigations, especially such as cannot well be undertaken by Government departments, and yet involve considerable expense.

The Annual Subscription is a Guinea. There is at present no entrance fee. Any member may at any time compound for his future yearly payments by paying at once the sum of Ten Guineas. The Journal will be supplied to Members without charge. They will also receive gratis some of the other publications which the Association may, from time to time, issue.

Any person desirous of becoming a Member of the Association is requested to send his name to Professor F. Y. EDGEWORTH, Office of the Royal Statistical Society, 9 Adelphi Terrace, London, W.C., who will submit it to the Council for approval at their next Meeting.

Editorial communications should be addressed to Professor F. Y. Edgeworth, Balliol College, Oxford.