Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/539

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RECENT CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC HISTORY IN GERMANY 517 ning of the Present Century ? (1887), by Frsnkenstein, who hsd slso sn interesting srticle on The Position of Working Women i? German Cities ? (Schmoller's Jahrbuch, 1888); snd Krsmsr's Paper Currency in Austria since 1848 s (1886), s work of grest theoretic vslue, being sn inductive inquiry into the csuses of agio snd its influence on politicsl economy. Of similsr charscter is Kral's Value of Money and the Movement in Prices in the German Empire 1871-1884 ? (1887). Midway between the purely historical and the purely descriptive works stands Aschrott's book on The English Poor Law System, Past and Present ? (1886). The first volume, dealing with the historical development of English pauper legislation, contains nothing essentially new. The second, which is of greater scientific and practical importance, depicts the Poor Law in England as at. present constituted. Sc?hSne's essay, entitled Modern Develop ments in the Shoemaking Trade historically, statistically, and technically considered 6 (1888), is mainly descriptive. To the class of mainly descriptive works belong the writings of von der Leyen and of Sartorius von Waltershausen on social and economic circumstances in North America. The former published in 1885 a book on The Railways of North A?n?rica ; r the latter followed in 1886 with a work on North American Trade Unions under the Influence of a Progressive Mechanism of Pro- duction. s Both these works have materially enriched our know- ledge of North America. ,Prison Labour s (1888), by Faulkner, an American author, deals likewise with American matters. Special mention is called for by Sering's book, The Agricultural Competition of North America, ,Present and Future ?o (1887). Of great scientific value in its all-round mastery of the subject, and its clear analysis of the different factors of which the agri- cultural competition of America is the outcome, it is the BevOlkeruruj und Hausindustrie im Kreise Schmalkalden seit Aufaruj dieses Jahrhunderts. Die La9e der Arbeiterinnen in den deutschen Gros?stddten. Dos Papiergeld in Oesterreich seit 1848. Geldwert und Preisbeweguruj im deutschen Reiche, 1871-1884. Dos englische Armenwesen in seiner historischen Entwicklung und in seiner heutiqen Gestalt. Die modeme Entwickluruj des $chuhmachergewerbes in historischer, statistischer technischer Hinsicht. Die norda?nerikanischen Eisenbahnen. Die nordamerikanischen Gewerkschaften i. unter den Einfluss fortschreitender Product ionst ec h n i k . Die Arbeit in den Gefdrujnissen. Die land?virtschaftliche Concurrenz Nordamerikas in G?enwart und Zukunft