Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/838

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816 THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL means' by which public credit was upheld at that critical period. Historical works of great accuracy are The Commercial Policy of the Austro.Hungarian Monarchy, and of the German Empire since 1868, and 'its near Future, ? by the Right Hon. Alexander yon Matlekovits, Ex- Secretary of State of Hungaria, and Commercial Politics of Austria in the Nineteenth Century? by Dr. Adolph Beer, M.P. A description of modern forms of commercial enterprise is given by Professor Mataja (Innsbruck) in his book on Great Magazines and Trade on a Small Scale. s The Present State of Trade is described by Consul-General yon Scherzer and Mr. Ed. Brattassevic. 4 Dr. Hermann Blodig has written on Usury and its Legislation. ? The public attention is meanwhile fully engaged with questions of industrial, financial, and currency reform. They are discussed in seminaries, in scientific associations, in newspaper articles, and in a host of pamphlets. Among the publications on the currency question a lecture given by Professor yon W, ieser,O an inquiry into The Relative Value of Gold and Silver, by Professor Joseph Milewski (Krakau, 1891, in Polish language), and a remarkable book from the bi-metal- list. ic quarter, System of Currency and Relation of Value, 7 by Dr. Julius Landesberger deserves attention. The recent controversy between Dr. Ludwig Barnberger and Prof. Eduard Suess, M.P. (Vienna)should also be mentioned in this connection; the latter attempts in the Berlin Nation (August 8th, 1891) to refute the accounts of the increasing gold supplies from Australia and South Africa, given in contradiction to his theory on the ' Future of Gold,' by Dr. Ruhland and Dr. Hein. '?'he subject of Labour-Legislation is dealt with in essays by Dr. E. Schwiedland ' On the Introduction of Compulsory Workingmen's Delegations' ;s by Dr. Leo Verkauf, ' On the Friendly Societies Bill' (introduced by Dr. Baernreither, M.P.); and by Dr. Carl Gr'dnberg on a ' Homestead Bill for Germany. 'l Professor v. Miaskowski has accepted an appointment to the Leipsic Chair of Economics; the second Vienna Professorship is still vacant; Professor yon B6hm-Bawerk has been appointed Chief of Department (Sectionschef) in the Ministry of Finances. ? Die Zollpolitik der Vsterreichisch ungarischen Mortarchic und des Deutsch,? Reichs seit 1868 und deren n&hste Zukunft. Leipzig, 1891. ? ?sterreichische Handelspolitik im XIX. Jahrhundert. Wien, 1891. ? Grossnmgazine und Kleinhandel. Leipzig, 1891. ? Der Wirtschaftliche Verkehr der Gegenwart. Wien, 1891. ? Der Wucher und seine Gesetzgebung. Wien, 1891. ? '?oer die Valutaregulierung in Osterreich. Prague, 1891. ? Wghrungssystem und Relation, Beitrttge zur W?thrungsreform in ?)sterreich- U'ngarn. Wien, 1891. s Die Einftlhrung obligatorischer Arbeiterausschass? und der Organisierung der Industrie in Osterreich (Schmoller's Jahrbac? rio' Geset?e?mg und Verwaltung, Leipzig, 15, Jahrgang, 4, Heft.). ? Der Entwurf eines Hilfskassengesetzes (H. Braun's Archiv ftlr soMale bung und $tatistik, IV. Bd. Heft. 3). ?o Der Entwurf eines Heimst?ttengesetzes far das Deutsche Rdch. (/b/d. Heft ?).