Page:The Elder Edda and the Younger Edda - tr. Thorpe - 1907.djvu/169

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Hodbrodd with helmet decked: he the speed noticed of his kinsmen. "Why have ye Hniflungs such wrathful countenances?"

48. "Hither to the shore are come rapid keels, towering masts, and long yards, shields many, and smooth-shaven oars, a king's noble host, joyous Ylfings.

49. Fifteen bands are come to land; but there are out at sea, before Gnipalund, seven thousand blue-black ocean-beasts with gold adorned; there is by far their greatest multitude. Now will Helgi not delay the conflict."


50. "Let a bridled steed to the chief assembly run, but Sporvitnir to Sparinsheid; Melnir and Mylnir to Myrkvid; let no man stay behind of those who swords can brandish.

51. Summon to you Hogni, and the sons of Hring, Atli and Yngvi, Alf the old; they will gladly engage in conflict. We will let the Volsungs find resistance."

52. It was a whirlwind, when together came the fallow[1] blades at Frekastein: ever was Helgi Hundingsbani foremost in the host, where men together fought: ardent for battle, disdaining flight; the chieftain had a valiant heart.

53. Then came a maid from heaven, helmed, from above—the clash of arms increased—for the king's protection. Then said Sigrun—well skilled to fly to the host of heroes from Hugin's grove—[2]

54. "Unscathed shalt thou, prince! possess thy people,

  1. It would appear that their swords were of bronze.
  2. Hugin's grove. The raven's grove, i. e., the battle-field, strewed with corpses, the raven's food.