Page:The Elementary Worker and his Work.djvu/63

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the right atmosphere, as we have seen, and especially by the teacher's manner and spirit. WorshipWorship includes prayer, Scripture, and certain songs. Great care should be exercised in these prayers and songs of worship that the children may really worship "in spirit and in truth." The offering also should be a part of the worship. The children should recognize that they are giving to God, but "God loveth a cheerful (hilarious) giver;" so it is not necessary that solemnity characterize the giving service.

Since the Sunday-school is a school for the study of God's Word, the element of instruction is very important. InstructionThis phase of the work includes not only the lesson of the day, but the teaching of texts and songs and prayers and instruction relative to prayer and praise, missions and giving.

II. Adaptation

The adaptation of a program to the interests and needs of those for whom it is planned is always a vital consideration. In view of our study of the Beginners, certain characteristics should mark the program of the Beginners' Department.

SimplicitySimplicity is essential because of the limited knowledge, experience, ability, and vocabulary of the child.Everything must be planned with reference to the plane of his experience. Simplicity forbids the teacher both to attempt too much and to bring too much that is new at one time.

VarietyOwing to the child's limited power of attention and his inability to sit still long, there must also be variety. It is well to change the program frequently, for sameness is monotonous and wearisome.

FreedomThe program of the Beginners' Department should allow freedom of movement and freedom of thought and expression. Think how much liberty these little children have in a well-regulated home or kindergarten!