Page:The Elene of Cynewulf.djvu/30

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‘Thus in days of yore, while I was still a youth, my father instructed me, and taught me with these true words, a man wise in sorrow—Simon was his530 name. And now that ye know my heart and mind, ye perceive clearly what ye had best declare if the queen ask us concerning that tree.’535

And the wisest spake together before the assembly in these words:—‘Never heard we any other man save now thee declare thus among this people concerning540 such a hidden thing. Act as thou thinkest, O thou wise in the lore of old, if thou art questioned among the multitude, for there is need of wisdom, of artful words, and the learning of a seer, that shall give answer to this noble woman before such a545 throng met together.’

Then words increased: men thought, reflected, and pondered on either side, some this way and some that. And there came a band of thanes to the assembly; and heralds, messengers of Cæsar,550 trumpeted:—‘O ye counselors, the queen doth summon you unto the royal hall, that ye may show forth rightly the judgments of your synod. Ye have need of prudence in the council, of wisdom in mind.’ And they, the leaders of the people, grieved555 in soul, were ready as they were summoned by the bitter edict, and went unto the palace to show forth the power of craft.

Then the queen spake unto the Hebrews and asked them, their hearts sorely burdened, how once the560 prophets, holy men, sang in the world concerning the Son of God; and where the Lord suffered, true Son of the Creator, for the love of souls. But they were obdurate and mute as stones, nor would they565

show forth the true secret, nor in the hardness of