Page:The Elene of Cynewulf.djvu/36

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that host, holy and heavenly, and didst ordain it unto thy service. Six of their number are called740 by name in joy without end, and they are clothed about with six wings; they are adorned, and gleam brightly. And there are four of their number ever in flight that perform the service of glory745 before the sight of the eternal Judge, and they continually sing in holiness with clear voices the laud of the King of heaven, fairest of songs, and they chant these words in pure tones—their name is750 cherubim:—“Holy is the holy God of the archangels, the Lord of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of His majesty, and all His exceeding might is marked with His glory.” And there are two among their number in the heavens, the victorious race,755 whereon man bestoweth the name of seraphim. With flaming sword they are to keep sacred the field of Paradise and the tree of life. And fast in their grasp the drawn sword, sharp of edge, quivers, trembles, and changes its hue. For thou dost rule,760 O Lord God, eternally, and thou didst hurl thy sin-stained foes, the workers of iniquity, from the heavens, and the unhappy host fell to the dark abodes, into the pains of hell. There now they suffer765 the agony of death in a sea of fire, encompassed about with darkness, in the embrace of the dragon. He withstood thy kingly rule, and therefore in misery, abhorred, the vilest of the vile, shall he suffer and endure the servile yoke. He cannot there770 neglect thy commandment; he is fettered in torture, bound in agony, the author of all sin. If it be thy will, O King of angels, that He who was on the cross, and was born of Mary into the world in the775

form of a child, the Lord of the heavenly host, shall