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Heywood notes Knell as before his time. Nashe, Pierce Penilesse (1592, Works, i. 215), names him with Tarlton, Alleyn, and Bentley, and he is coupled with Bentley in the undated challenge to Alleyn (q.v.) to play one of their parts.

KNIGHT, ROBERT. Paul's chorister, >1582.

KOSTRESSEN, JOHAN, musician. Germany, 1623.

KRAFFT, JOHN. Denmark, 1579-80.

LANEHAM, JOHN. Leicester's, 1572-4; Queen's, 1583, 1588-91. Heywood notes him as before his time. Was he related to Robert Laneham, Keeper of the Council Chamber door, who described the Kenilworth entertainment (cf. ch. xxiv) in 1575?

LANMAN, HENRY. Owner of Curtain, 1581-92. Adams, 80, suggests, apparently from the similarity of the names, that he was a brother of John Laneham.

LEBERWURST, HANS. Germany, 1613.

LEDBETTER, ROBERT. Admiral's, 1597; Germany, 1599, 1601, 1606.

LEE, ROBERT. Admiral's (?), >1591; Anne's, 1604-19; Revels Company, 1622. He had a business transaction with Edward and John Alleyn and Thomas Goodale (q.v.) in 1593. He lived in Clerkenwell Close in 1623 (H. ii. 294; J. 347; Murray, i. 198).

LEEKE, DAVID. Possibly an actor at Canterbury, c. 1571 (3 Library, ix. 253).

LEVESON, ROBERT. Oxford's, 1580.

LISTER, EDWARD. Weaver of Allerston, Yorks, unlicensed player, 1612 (cf. ch. ix, p. 305).

LONG, NICHOLAS. Revels (provincial) manager, 1612, 1617; Lady Elizabeth's, 1614-15. For his later career, cf. Murray, i. 192, 361; ii. 101. He was buried at St. Giles's, Cripplegate, on 21 January 1622 (Bodl.).

LOVEKYN, ARTHUR. Chapel, 1509-13.

LOWIN, JOHN, was a member of Worcester's company during their season of 1602-3 with Henslowe at the Rose. On 12 March 1603 Henslowe lent him money to go into the country with the company, but during the course of the year he must have transferred his services to the King's men, presumably as a hireling, since, although in the cast of Sejanus (1603) and the Induction to Malcontent (1604) he is not in the official lists of 1603 and 1604. A portrait of him in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, has the inscription '1640, Aetat. 64', and he may therefore be identified with the John, son of Richard Lowen, baptized at St. Giles's, Cripplegate, on 9 December 1576. If so, his father seems to have been a carpenter, and he had a sister Susan and a brother William.[1] He remained through a long life with the King's men, appearing in most of the casts, in the actor-list of the First Folio, and in the official lists from 1619 onwards. He played Bosola in The Duchess of Malfi. A pamphlet entitled Conclusions upon Dances (1607) has a dedication to Lord Denny, dated 23 November 1606, and signed

  1. Collier, iii. 391.