Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/403

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1605, Feb. 8 1605 Fair Maid of Bristow Pavier Pavier King's Anon.
1605, Feb. 12 1605 When You See Me, You Butter Butter Henry's S. Rowley.
                      Know Me
1605, Mar. 2 1607 Westward Ho Rocket Hodgets (s) Paul's Dekker.
1605, June 26 1605 Dutch Courtesan Hodgets T. P. Hodgets Revels Marston.
1605, July 5 1605 1 If You Know Not Me, Butter Butter Anne's? Heywood.
                      You Know Nobody
1605, Sept. 4 1605 Eastward Ho { Aspley and } Aspley Revels Chapman.
                                              { Thorpe }
1605, Sept. 14 1606 2 If You Know Not Me, Butter Butter Anne's? Heywood.
                      You Know Nobody
1605, Oct. 16 1606 3 Parnassus J. Wright Eld J. Wright Univ. Anon.
1605, Nov. 26 1606 Queen's Arcadia S. Waterson Eld S. Waterson Univ. Daniel.
1605, Nov. 26 1606 Gentleman Usher Simmes Simmes Thorpe Chapel? Chapman.
                1605 All Fools Thorpe Revels Chapman.
                1605 London Prodigal T. C. Butter King's Anon.
                1605 1 Jeronimo Pavier Chamberlain's? Anon.
1606, Jan. 10 1606 Sir Giles Goosecap Blount Windet Blount Chapel Anon.
1606, Mar. 12 N.D. Nobody and Somebody Trundle Trundle Anne's Anon.
1606, Mar. 12 1606 Fawn Cotton T. P. Cotton Revels, Paul's Marston.
1606, Mar. 17 1606 Sophonisba Edgar Windet Revels Marston.
1606, May 13 1607 Fleir { Trundle } F. B. F. B. (s) Revels Sharpham.
                                              { and Busby }
                                              { J. Wright }
1606, June 5 N.D. Caesar's Revenge { and } G. E. J. Wright Univ. Anon.
                                              { Fosbrooke }
1606, Nov. 12 1606 Wily Beguiled C. Knight H. L. C. Knight Paul's? Anon.
                1606 M. D'Olive T. C. Holmes Revels Chapman.
                1606 Isle of Gulls Hodgets (s) Revels Day.
1607, Feb. 23 1607 Lingua S. Waterson Eld S. Waterson Univ.? Tomkis.
1607, Apr. 10 1607 Claudius Tiberius Nero Burton Burton Univ.? Anon.