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houses, Shops, Side, Stairs, Standardization, Studies, Tents, Throne, Thunder, Titles, Traps, Traverse, Trees, Upper stage, Walls, Windows, Wings.

'Stairs', iii. 95.

'Standardization of effects', iii. 2, 50, 131.

'Standing' houses, i. 8, 115;
  offices, i. 49, 71, 102.

Stanley's boys, ii. 119.

Star Chamber, i. 67, 69, 273, 300, 328; ii. 43; iv. 327;
  orders of, on printing, iii. 162, 166, 172.

'State' for sovereign, i. 203, 226.

Stationers, ethics of, iii. 186.

Stationers' Company, iii. 160-77, 186-91, 505; iv. 265, 303.

Stationers' Register, iii. 158, 163-77, 188-91, 422; iv. 379, 398.

Statistics of plays, iii. 22, 49, 105, 177, 181-3.

Statutes concerning players, i. 270, 276, 279, 299, 303, 304; iv. 260, 263, 269, 324, 336, 338.

'Staying' of printing, ii. 172, 204; iii. 183-91, 292, 359-60.

Steward of Household, Lord, i. 35, 55, 67.

'Stinkards', ii. 533; iv. 366.

Stock of playing companies, i. 352, 372; ii. 55, 137, 230, 243.

Stole, Groom of, i. 53.

'Stools', ii. 535-7; iv. 366-8.

Strade (gangways), iv. 355.

Strange's men, ii. 118-24.

Street scenes, iii. 56.

Strenae, i. 5, 19.

'Strolling' players, i. 332.

'Studies', iii. 67, 110.

Suburbs convenient for players, i. 278, 284, 298, 300; ii. 370.

Sunday performances, i. 255, 283, 285, 287-90, 293-6, 301, 302, 314; iv. 195, 200, 201, 202, 203, 206, 210, 221, 225, 249, 262, 267, 268, 275, 279, 282, 285, 288, 292, 295, 296, 297, 302, 305, 307, 310, 329, 335.

'Supers', i. 371.

'Surreptitious' prints of plays, iii. 184-92.

Surveyors, court of, i. 58.

Sussex's men, ii. 92-6.

Swan playhouse, ii. 411-14. 521 (drawing), 526-31, 538-9. 544-7.

Sweden, players in, ii. 274.

Sword dance, i. 171; iii. 280; iv. 117.

Syndicates for companies, i. 379; ii. 43, 45, 56, 65.


'Taking out' in mask, i. 150, 153, 155, 197.

Takings of playhouses, i. 370;
  ii. 122, 148.

Taphouses at playhouses, i. 369;
  ii. 406, 424, 442.

Tectum, ii. 531.

Telari (scenic cloths), iv. 358.

Temperament of players, i. 351.

Tenancy, joint and in common, ii. 417.

Tents, office of, i. 49, 72, 74, 76, 82, 94, 102;
  ii. 491.

Tents on stage, iii. 53, 86, 106.

Terence engravings, iii. 6, 15.

Théâtre en demi-rond, iii. 14.

Theatre playhouse, ii. 383-400.

Théâtre tout en pastoralle, iii. 17, 34, 35, 44, 48, 52.

Theatres. See Playhouses.

Theatri, iv. 353-65.

Themes, ii. 191, 300, 343-4, 349, 553;
  iv. 244, 246.

Theocracy at Geneva, i. 245.

Theology in plays, i. 242, 271, 273, 294;
  ii. 328;
  iv. 254.

Threshold scenes, iii. 59.

'Throne', iii. 64, 72, 77, 87, 89, 108;
  iv. 248.

Thunder on stage, iii. 76, 110;
  iv. 248.

Thursdays kept for bear-baiting, i. 316.

Tilts, i. 18, 19, 20, 21, 139-48;
  iii. 212-13, 245, 268-9, 316, 393, 399, 402-5, 463, 509;
  iv. 63. See Books, Challenges, Cheques, Devices, Lists, Tourney.

Tiltyards, i. 141.

'Tiph, toph', ii. 293.

Tire-men, i. 371; ii. 149, 226, 541;
  iii. 83;
  iv. 404.

Tire-women, i. 163; iii. 387.

Tiring house, i. 100, 225, 229, 231;
  ii. 392, 538, 555;
  iii. 72, 82;
  iv. 248, 370.

Titles. See Labels.

'Tombs', iii. 59, 110.

'Top', iii. 98.

Topical allusions in plays, i. 322-8. See Satire, Sedition.

Torch-bearers in mask, i. 195.

Torze (torches), iv. 364.

Touching for evil, i. 123.

Tourney, i. 140.

Tragedie, iv. 360.

Tragedy, definitions of, i. 240, 257.

Traps, ii. 528; iii. 42, 89, 96, 107, 133.