Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/117

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Marcus Antoninus.

lancing the Tumour before 'twas Ripe. He bore this Loss like a Man of Fortitude, would not suffer Jupiter's Holy Days, which happen'd at that time, should be disturb'd by a Publick Mourning, spoke kindly to the Physicians, and paid them well for their Attendance ; and was satisfied in getting a Golden Statue voted for his Son, which he ordered to be carried about in a Pompous manner at the Circensian Diversions; and that the Salii [1] should make a Panegyrical Poem in honour of the Deceas'd: These Ceremonies being over, he reassum'd his Business, and took care of the Government, and having beg'd the Assistance of the Gods by Sacrificing, and Devotion, set forward against the Enemy.

This Expedition was much longer and more Troublesome than all the rest. The Emperour being come up to Carnuntum, which he made his Head Quarters, pass'd the Danube upon a Bridge of Boats, at the Head of his Troops, marched on to the Enemy, beat them in several Disputes, and burnt their Villages ; Upon which several great Lords of the Confederacy being amaz'd at the Progress of his Victories, came in, and submitted. One Day as he was searching in Person for the Ford of a River which stop'd his March, and

  1. Priests of Mars.