Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/376

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Marcus Antoninus's

where, or at least no where that I know of. Thus you'l be strongly convinc'd that Men are but Smoak, and Bubbles; They Vanish as they Rise, and break soon after the Swelling : And this Impression will go the deeper, if you consider that what is once perish'd and Sunk, will never come up again exactly. [1] As for your share of Time : 'tis but a Moment in Comparison; Why then can't you manage that little Handsomly, and be satisfied? What a Noble opportunity of Improvement do you run away from ? For what are all the Revolutions of Nature , and the Accidents of Life, but Tryals of Skill, and Exercises of Reason ? A wise Man that has looked through the Causes of Things, makes but a Diversion of them. Go on then, with the Theory and Practice of Philosophy , till you have digested the Subject , and conquered the Difficulty ; For I would have you be like a strong Stomach , that masters all sort of Diet, and makes Nourishment of it; Or if you please , like a Fire well kindled, which catches upon every thing you throw in, and turns it into Flame and Brightness.

XXXII. Put it out of the Power of Truth to give you an ill Character ; And if any Body reports you not to be an Honest, or a Good Man , let your Practice

  1. Vid. Annot. D'Acier.