Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 4.djvu/11

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MATTHEW III. 14—17; IV. 1—25; V. 1-8.

Jordan、 unto John, — to be immersed by him. 14But |he| would have hindered him, saying — |I| have |need| ||by thee|| to be immersed, — and dost |thou| come unto me? 15But Jesus answering, said unto him, Suffer [me] even now, — for |thus| it becometh us、 to fulfil |all righteousness|; |Then| he suffered him. 16 And Jesus <having been immersed> straightway| went up from the water, — and lo ! the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God^ descending like a dove coming upon him ; 17 and lo ! a voice out of the heavens, — saying, |This| is my Son^ the Beloved, in whom I delight.

§ 7. The Temptation. Mk. i. 12, 13 ; Lu. iv. 1-13.

4 1|Then| Jesus was led up into the wilderness, by the Spirit, to be tempted by the adversary; 2 and, fasting forty days and forty nights, — |afterwards| he hungered. 3 And, coming near, the tempter said to him, — <If thou art God's ||Son||> speak ! that ||these stones|| may become |loaves|. 4 But |he| answering, said, It is written, — ^ Not on bread alone shall man live, But on every declaration coming forth through the mouth of God. 5 |Then| the adversary taketh him with him, unto the holy city, — and he set him upon the pinnacle of the temple; 6 and saith to him — <If thou art God's ||Son||> cast thyself down, — for it is written, To his messengers will he give charge con- cerning thee ; And on hands will they bear thee up, Lest once thou strike ^against a stone Thy foot. 7 Jesus said to him, |Again| it is written, — <* Thou shalt not put to the test the Lord thy God. 8 |Again| the adversary taketh him with him, into an exceeding high mountain, — and pointeth out to him air the kingdoms of the world, and their glory; 9 and said to him, ||All these things|| will I give thee, — if thou wilt fall down and worship me. 10 Then saith Jesus unto him. Withdraw, Satan ! for it is written, — The Lord thy God shalt thou worship. And to him alone render divine service. 11 |Then| the adversary leaveth him, — and lo! |messengers| came near, and began ministering unto him.

§ 8. Jesus begins his Ministry in Galilee. Mk. i. 14-20 ; Lu. iv, 15, 16.

12 And <hearing that |John| had been delivered up>, he retired into Galilee; 13and^ forsaking Nazareth, he came and fixed his dwelling in Capernaum, which was by the lake, — within the bounds of Zebulun and Naphtali : 14 that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying: 15 <Land of Zebulun^ and land of Naphtali, The lake-way across the Jordan, — Galilee of the nations^ 16 ||The people that was sitting in darkness|| |A great light| beheld, — And on them who were sitting in land and shade of death Light rose on them. 17 |From that time| began Jesus to be making pro- clamation, and saying, — Repent ye, for the kingdom of the heavens hath drawn near. 18 And <walking round beside the sea of Galilee> he saw two' brethren — Simon who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, — casting a large fishing-net into the sea, for they were fishers; 19 and he saith unto them. Come after me, — And I will make you fishers |of men|. 20 And ||they|| |straightway| leaving the nets, fol- lowed him. 21 And <going forward from thence> he saw other' two' brethren — James the son of Zebedee,and John his brother — in the boat with Zebedee their father, putting in order their nets, — and he called them. 22 And ||they|| |straightway| leaving the boat and their father, followed him. 23 And Jesus was going round throughout all' Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and pro- claiming the glad-message of the kingdom, — and curing every' disease, and every' infirmity, among the people. 24 And forth went the report of him into all Syria ; and they brought unto him all who were sick,|with divers' diseases and tortures| distressed, demonized and lunatic and paralyzed, — and he cured them. 25 And there followed him large multitudes — from Gali- lee, and Decapolis, and Jerusalem, and Judaea, and across the Jordan.

§ 9. The Sermon on the Mount. Lu. vi. 20-23.

5 1But [seeing the multitudes] he went up into a mountain, — and, when he had taken a seat, his disciples came unto him<i; 2 and, opening his mouth, he began teaching them, saying: — 3 ||Happy|| the destitute^ |in spirit|; For |theirs| is the kingdom of the heavens: 4 ||Happy|| they who mourn; For |they| shall be comforted^: 5 ||Happy|| the meek; For |they| shall inherit the earth ': 6 ||Happy|| they who hunger and thirst for righteousness ; For |they| shall be filled : 7 ||Happy|| the merciful; For |they| shall receive mercy: 8 ||Happy|| the pure |in heart|«; For |they| shall |see God|:= Or (WH) : " opened unto him." Deu. vlll. a « '^'s. xci n f. " Dfii vi. ifi; X. 20. • Deu. vi. 13.

a I«. ix. If. <> Or (WH) simply: " HU t Or Pimply (WHl: "say- disciples came near." ing,— The kingdom of « Is 1x1. 1 £C. thf heavens hath drawn f Or : " land" : Pa. xxxvli neiir." H. e Ap : " Glad-message." • Ps. xxlv. 4. B 2