Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 4.djvu/134

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ACTS VII. 11—42.

appointed him governor over Egypt and all' his house.[1] 11And there came a famine upon all Egypt[2] and Canaan、[3] and great tribulation, and |our fathers| could not find pasture. 12But Jacob、 hearing there was corn in Egypt[4] sent off our fathers |flrst| ; 13and |the second time| Joseph was made known unto his brethren,[5] and |the race of Joseph was made |manifest| unto Pharaoh. 14 And Joseph、 sending forth、 called for Jacob his father、 and all' the kindred, consisting of seventy -five souls[6]; 15and Jacob went down [into Egypt]. And he died, he and our fathers[7]; 16and were brought over into Shechem、 and laid in the tomb which Abraham had purchased、 for a price of silver、 of the sons of Hamor in Shechem.[8] 17Now <just as the time of the promise |was drawing near] wherewith God had agreed with Abraham> the people grew、 and were multiplied[9] in Egypt, — 18until there arose another sort of king over Egypt、 who had not known Joseph. 19||The same|| dealing craftily with our race ill-treated our fathers、[10] so as to cause their babes to be exposed, to the end they might not be suffered to live. 20 ||In which season|| |Moses| was born, and was exceeding goodly, —[11] who was nourished up three months[12] in the house of his father; 21but |when he was exposed| the daughter of Pharaoh rescued him、 and nourished him for herself |as a son|.[13] 22And so Moses was trained in all' the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in his words and works. 23And |when there was being fulfilled unto him a period of forty' years] it came up on his heart、[14] to look after his brethren the sons of Israel[15] 24and |seeing one being wronged| he defended him、 and avenged him that was getting worn out, smiting the Egyptian|.[16] 25But he supposed his brethren ]would understand] that ]]God]] ]through his hand] would give them deliverance ; whereas they understood not. 26||On the following day also|| he appeared unto them、 as they were contending, and would have reconciled them in peace, saying — Men! ye are |brothers|! Wherefore wrong ye one another? 27But ||he that was wronging his neighbour|| thrust him away, saying — Who hath appointed thee to be ruler and judge over us? 28Art thou wishing to kill me in the same way thou didst kill、 yesterday、 |the Egyptian|[17]? 29And Moses fled at this saying, and became

a sojourner in the land of Midian、[18] where he begat two sons. 30And <when forty years were fulfilled'> there appeared unto him in the desert of Mount Sinai] a messenger, in a flame of fire、 in a bush.[19] 31And ||Moses|| |seeing it] marvelled at the sight; and |as he was going near to observe] there came a voice of the Lord — 32||I|| am the God of thy fathers、 The God of Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob.[20] And Moses becoming |terrified| durst not observe. 33And the Lord said unto him — • Loose the sandals of thy feet ; For the place whereon thou art standing is hallowed ground|.[21] 34I have [indeed seen] the ill-treatment of my people that is in Egypt, And unto their groaning have I hearkened、 And have come down to rescue them. Now therefore、 come! I will send thee into Egypt.[22] 35<The same' Moses whom they had refused, saying— Who hath appointed thee' to be ruler and judge[23]? The same> ||both as ruler and redeemer|| did God send |by the hand of the messenger who had appeared unto him in the bush|: 36||The same|| led them forth, |doing wonders and signs in Egypt、[24] and in the Red Sea, and in the desert、 forty years|[25]: 37||The same|| is the Moses that said unto the sons of Israel — ||A prophet、 unto you|| will God raise up、 from, among your brethren、 ||like unto me||[26]: 38||The same|| is he that came to be in the assembly in the desert, with the messenger who was speaking with him in Mount Sinai、 and with our fathers, ||he who welcomed living utterances、 to give unto us]] : 39||Unto whom|| |our fathers| would not become obedient, but thrust him away、 and turned[27] in their hearts unto Egypt, 40saying unto Aaron — Make us gods who shall go before us; For <as for this Moses who brought us forth out of Egypt> We know not what hath befallen him[28]! 41And so they fell to calf-making[29] in those days, And offered sacrifice[30] unto the idol、 And rejoiced in the works of their hands. 42But God |turned| and delivered them up to be doing divine service unto the host of heaven, —[31] Just as it is written in a book of the prophets — Victims and sacrifices did ye offer unto me',

  1. Gen. xli. 40 f, 43, 46 ; Ps. cv. 21.
  2. Gen. xli. 54 f.
  3. Gen. xlii. 5.
  4. Gen. xlii. 2.
  5. Gen. xlv. 1.
  6. Deu. x. 22.
  7. Exo. 1. 6.
  8. Jos. xxiv. 32; Gen. l. 13.
  9. Exo. i. 7f.
  10. Exo. i 9 ff, 18.
  11. Ml : "Goodly unto God."
  12. Exo. ii. 2.
  13. Exo. ii. 5, 10.
  14. Cp. 1 Co. ii. 9.
  15. Exo. ii. 11.
  16. Exo. ii. 12.
  17. Exo. ii. 13 f.
  18. Exo. ii. 15, 22.
  19. Exo. iii. 1 f.
  20. Exo. iii. 6.
  21. Exo. iii. 5.
  22. Exo. iii. 3-10.
  23. Exo. ii. 14.
  24. Exo. vii. 3.
  25. Nu. xiv. 33.
  26. Deu. xviii. 15, 18.
  27. Nu. xiv. 3 f.
  28. Exo. xxxii. 1, 23.
  29. Exo. xxxii. 4.
  30. Exo. xxxii. 6.
  31. Jer. vii. 18 (Sep.); xix. 13.