Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 4.djvu/17

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MATTHEW IX. 28—38; X. 1—23.

thence|> there followed him、 two´ blind men,[1] crying aloud and saying, — Have mercy on us, O Son of David! 28 And <when he entered the houso> the blind men came unto him, — and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye、 that I can |do this|? They say unto him、 Yea, Lord! 29 Then touched he their eyes, saying、 |According to your faith| be it done unto you. 30 And their eyes were opened. And Jesus |sternly charged them (saying, Mind! let no one know! 31 |They| however、 going forth、 made him known throughout the whole of that land. 32 And <as |they| were going forth> lo! there was brought to him、 a dumb man, demonized.[2] 33 And <the demon being cast out> the dumb man spake; and the multitudes marvelled, saying,— |Never| was it seen thus、 in Israel. 34 [But |the Pharisees| began to say, |In the ruler of the demons| is he casting out the demons.] 35 And Jesus was going round all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues、 and proclaiming、 the glad-message of the kingdom, — and curing every´ disease、 and every´ infirmity. 36 But |seeing the multitudes| he was moved with compassion concerning them, be- cause they were torn and thrown down、 like sheep having no shepherd.[3] 37 |Then| saith he unto his disciples, — |The harvest|[4] indeed、 is great, But |the labourers| few; 38 Beg ye, therefore, of the Lord of the harvest, — That he would thrust forth labourers、 into his harvest.

§ 21. The Twelve first sent forth. Mk. vi. 7 f ; Lu. ix. 1 f: cp. §77.

1 And <calling near his twelve´ disciples> he gave them authority over impure spirits, — so as to be casting them out, and curing every´ disease、 and every´ infirmity. 2 Now |the twelve´ apostles´ names|[5] are these: — First Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew, his brother, — And James, the son of Zebedee, and John, his brother; 3 Philip, and Bartholomew, — Thomas, and Matthew, the tax-collector ; James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thadseus ; 4 Simon, the zealot, and Judas Iscariot, who also delivered him up. 5 |These twelve| Jesus sent forth, charging them, saying: — |Into any way to the nations| do not depart, — And |into any city of Samaritans| do not enter; 6 But be going, rather、 unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.[6]

7 And |as ye go| proclaim, saying, The kingdom of the heavens hath drawn near![7] 8 Be curing |the sick|、 raising |the dead|,— cleansing |lepers|, casting out |demons|:[8] ||Freely|| ye have |received| |freely| ||give||. 9 Ye may procure — neither gold、 nor silver、 nor copper、 for your belts, — 10 neither satchel for journey、 nor two´ tunics, nor sandals、 nor staff;[9] For |worthy| is the labourer, of his mainten- ance. 11 And <into whatsoever city or village ye enter> Search out who in it is |worthy|, And |there| abide, till ye go forth. 12 And <as ye enter the house> salute it; 13 And <if the house be worthy> Let your peace come upon it, But <if it be not worthy> Let your peace, unto you, return. 14 And <whosoevor shall neither welcome you nor hear your words> |As ye go forth、 outside that house or city| Shake off the dust of your feet: 15 |Verily| I say unto you, — |More tolerablel will it be, ||for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment|| Than for |that| city![10] 16 Lo! ||I|| send you forth, as sheep amidst wolves; Become ye therefore — Prudent, as serpents, and simple、[11] as doves.

17 But beware of men; — For they will deliver you up into high- councils, And |in their synagogues| will they scourge you, — 18 And I before both governors and kings| shall ye be brought |for my sake| — ||For a witness to them and the nations||. 19 And <when they deliver you up> Be not anxious, how or what ye shall speak, For it shall be given you, in that´ hour, what ye shall speak; 20 For it is not |ye| who are speaking. But |the Spirit of your Father| that is speaking in you. 21 And |brother| will deliver up |brother| unto death, And ||father|| ||child||, — And |children| will rise up |against parents|, ||And will put them to death||. 22 And ye will be hated by all, because of my name, — But ||he that endureth throughout|| |the same| shall be saved.[12] 23 And <when they persecute you in this city> flee into another, — For |verily| I say unto you, |In nowise shall ye finish the cities of Israel| Till ||the Son of Man|| come.

  1. Chap. XX. 29 f.
  2. Chap. xii. 22; Lu. xi 14.
  3. Nu. xxvii. 17; Eze. xxxiv. 5.
  4. Lu x. 2.
  5. Mk. iii. 16-19; Lu. vi. 14-16; Ac. i. 13.
  6. Nu. xxvii. 17; Eze. xxxiv. 5.
  7. Lu. x. 9.
  8. Signs of the promised kingdom: He. vi. 5.
  9. Lu. x. 4-11.
  10. Chap. xi. 24; Lu. x 12.
  11. Or ; " pure " — without foreign admixture.
  12. Chap. xxiv. 4-14.