Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 4.djvu/33

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MATTHEW XXII. 30—46; XXIII. 1—23.

30 For ||in the resurrection|| they neither marry, nor are given in marriage. But |as messengers in the heaven| are they. 31 But ||as touching the resurrection of the dead|| — Have ye not read what was spoken unto you by God, saying — 32 |I| am the God of Abraham^ and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?" He is not God |of the dead| but ||of the living||. 33 And |the multitudes| hearing, were being struck with astonishment at his teaching. § 73. The Greatest Commandment. Mk. xii. 28-31 ; Lu. x. 25-27. 34 Now |the Pharisees| <hearing that he had silenced the Sadducees> were brought together with one accord; 35 and one from among them, a lawyer |proposed a question| putting him to the test : 36 Teacher! |which commandment| is greatest in the law? 37 And |he| said unto him — Thou shall love the Lord thy God — with all' thy heart and with all' thy soul, and with all' thy mind : *>- 38 |This| is the great and first commandment. 39 ||The second like it|| is |this| ; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.'^ 40 ||In these two' commandments|| |all'the law| is contained, |and the prophets). § 74. David's Son and Lord. Mk. xii. 35-37; Lu. xx. 41-44. 41 Now <the Pharisees having come together> Jesus questioned them, saying — 42 How |to you! doth it seem, |concerning the Christ| ? |Whose son| is he ? They say unto him — David's. 43 He saith unto them — How then doth |David, in spirit| call him |Lord|, saying — 44 The Lord hath said unto my Lord, — Sit thou on my right hand. Until I make thy foes thy footstool ?^ 45 <If then |David| calleth him |Lord|> |How| is he |his son|? 46 And |no one| was able to answer him a word, neither durst anyone ||from that' day|| question him |any more|. § 75. Alas for the Scribes and Pharisees. 23 |Then, Jesus spake unto the multitudes and unto his disciples, 2 saying — |Upon Moses' seat| have sat down, the Scribes and the Pharisees : 3 <|A11 things| therefore, whatsoever they tell you> do and observe, — But |according to their works| do ye not, For they |say|, and do not |perform|. 4 But they bind together heavy burdens,^ And lay upon men's shoulders,

Whereas ||they|| |with their finger| are not willing to move them.^ 5 But |all their works| they do, |to be gazed at by men|, — For they make broad their amulets. And make large their fringes, 6 And dearly love the first couch in the chief meals. And the first seats in the synagogues, 7 And the salutations in the market-places. And to be called by men, Rabbi. 8 But |ye|— do not be called Rabbi, — For |one| is your Teacher, And |all' ye| are brethren ; 9 And |father| be none of you called |upon the earth|. For |one| is your Father |the Heavenly| ; 10 Neither be called leaders, For |your leader| is one |the Christ|; 11 And |the greatest of you| shall be to you |a minister|; 12 And ||whoever shall exalt himself|| shall be |abased|. And |whoever shall abase himself| shall be ||exalted||»' [13]" 14 But alas for you. Scribes and Pharisees, ||hypocrites|| ; Because ye are locking up the kingdom of the heavens before men,^ For |ye| are not entering, Neither |them who are entering| suffer ye to enter. 15 Alas for you. Scribes and Pharisees, ||hypo- crites|| : Because ye compass sea and dry land, to make one' convert, — And |when it is done| ye make him a son of gehenna ||twofold more than ye||. 16 Alas for you, blind guides ! that say — <Whosoever shall swear by the Temple> it is |nothing|. But <whosoever shall swear by the gold of the Temple> is bound : 17 Foolish and blind ! for which is |greater|, The gold, or the Temple that hath hal- lowed the gold ? 18 And <whosoever shall swear by the altar> it is |nothing|, But < whosoever shall swear by the gift that is upon it> is bound : 19 Blind ! '^ for which is greater The gift, or the altar that halloweth the gift? ~ 20 <He therefore that hath sworn by the altar> Sweareth by it, and by all that is upon it; 21 And <he that hath sworn by the Temple> Sweareth by it, and by him who dwelleth «  therein ; 22 And <he that hath sworn by heaven> Sweareth by the throne of God, and by him who sitteth thereupon.

•Exo. lii. 6 d Ps. ex. 1. Dt-u. vl. 5. e Oi(WH): " fiurdens heavy "= Lev. xix. 18. and hard to be borne."

» Lu. xi. 4fi. Lu. xiv. 11 ; xviil. 14. <: Omitted by WH. Or (WH): "foolish blirul." «Or(WH): '• dwelt."