Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 4.djvu/42

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were thrown into a commotion, and became as dead men. ^ But the messenger^ |answering| said unto the women — Be not |ye| afraid ! For I know that |Jesus the crucifled| ye are seeking : 6 He is not here, for he hath arisen^ as he said. Come ! see the place where he lay ; 7 And ||quickly going| tell his disciples — He hath arisen from the dead, And lo! he is going before you into Galilee ; — |There| shall ye yourselves see him: Lo! I have told you. 8 And <departiug quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy> " they ran to bring tidings unto his disciples. ^ And lo 1 |Jesus| met them, saying — • Joy to you ! And itheyl going forward^ held his feet, and worshipped him. i" |Then| Jesus saith unto them — Be not afraid I Go your way^ bear tidings unto my brethren, that they may depart into Galilee ; And |there| shall they themselves see me. § 92. The Story of the Soldiers. 11 Now as they were |goiug| lo ! |certain of the guard| went into the city and reported unto the High-priests all the things that had come to pass ; 12 and <being gathered together with the » Or : " great fear and joy. " Elders and taking coun8el> sufllcient » pieces of silverl gave they unto the soldiers, — i^ saying — Say ye^ ||His disciples] | coming |by night| stole him || while we were sleeping] | ; 1* And <if this be reported unto the governor> 1 1 well willpersuadehim, and will make |you| ||free from care||. 15 And I they I taking the pieces of silver^ did as they were instructed. And this account was spread abroad among the Jews , . , until this [very] day. § 93. The Great Commission. Mk. xvi. 15-20 ; Lu. xxiv. 44-49 ; Jn. xx. 21-23. 16 And |the eleven' disciplesi went into Galilee, unto the mountain which |Jesus| had appointed them ; i' and^ seeing him^ they worshipped, i" but |some| ||doubted||. is And Jesus |coming near I spake unto them, saying — All' authority^ in heaven and on earth, hath been given unto me ; 19 Go ye, therefore, and disciple all' the nations. Immersing" them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, — 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatso- ever I myself have commanded you, And lo! |Ij am |with you|, all the days, until the conclusion of the age.* «Or: "a good many," "sufBcient" — i.e., to se- cure their purpose. •> Or : " bowed themselves down." <: Ap : " Immerse." <" Ap: "Age."

THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MARK. § 1. The Forerunner. Mt. iii. 1-12 ; Lu. iii. 3-17. 1 Beginningoftheglad-messageof JesusChrist.a » <According as it is written in Isaiah the pro- phet — Lo! I send my messenger before thy face ^ Who shall prepare thy way,—'^ i> A voice of one crying aloud — [In the wilderness] prepare ye the way of the Lord, Straight be m,aking /)!> pa</i.s>>:

  • John the Immerser came, |in the wildernes3|

proclaiming an immersion of repentance, for"* remission of sins; s and there were going out unto him all' the Judrea' country, and all' they of Jerusalem, and were being immersed by him, in »Or add (WH): "Son of vll. 27. God." <= Is. xl. 3. b Mai. tit. 1; Mt. il. 10; Lu. << Or : " into the Jordan' river, openly confessing their sins ; 6 and John was clothed with camel's-hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins, and was eating locusts and wilu honey; ' and he proclaimed, saying- He that is mightier than I cometh after [me]. Of whom I am not worthy to stoop and un- loose the strap of his sandals : 8 ||I|| have immersed you | with water |, — ||Hei| will immerse you | with the Holy Spiritj. §2. The Immersion. Mt. iii. 13-17; Lu. iii. 21,22. 9 And it came to pass, in those' days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was im- mersed into the Jordan by John ; "> And < I straightway I as ho was coming up out of the water> he saw the heavens rending asunder, and |the Spirit, as a dove| descending