Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 4.djvu/9

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§ 1. The Lineage Roll. Lu. iii. 23-28;
1 Ch. ii. 1-15; iii. 1-19.

1 The Lineage Roll of Jesus Christ,—[1]

Son of David, Son of Abraham.


|Abraham| begat Isaac、

And |Isaac| begat Jacob,

And |Jacob| begat Judah、 and his brethren;


And |Judah| begat Perez and Zarah of Tamah、

And |Perez| begat Hezron,

And |Hezron| begat Ram;


And |Ram| begat Amminadab、

And |Amminadab| begat Nashon,

And |Nashon| begat Salmon;


And |Salmon| begat Boaz of Rahab、

And |Boaz| begat Obed of Ruth,

And |Obed| begat Jesse;


And |Jesse| begat ||David the King||.

And |David| begat Solomon of her [that had been the wife] of Uriah;


And |Solomon| begat Rehoboam、

And |Rehoboam| begat Abijah,

And |Abijah| begat Asa;


And |Asa| begat Jehoshaphat、

And |Jehoshaphat| begat Joram,

And |Joram| begat Uzziah;


|And Uzziah| begat Jotham、

And |Jotham| begat Ahaz,

And |Ahaz| begat Hezekiah:


And |Hezekiah| begat Manasseh、

And |Manasseh| begat Amon,

And |Amon| begat Josiah;


And |Josiah| begat Jechoniah, and his brethren,—upon the removal to Babylon.


And <after the removal to Babylon> |Jechoniah| begat Shealtiel, And |Shealtiel| begat Zerubbabel;


And |Zerubbabel| begat Abiud、

And |Abiud| begat Eliakim,

And |Eliakim| begat Azor;


And |Azor| begat Sadoc、

And |Sadoc| begat Achim,

And |Achim| begat Eliud;


And |Eliud| begat Eleazar、

And |Eleazar| begat Matthan,

And |Matthan| begat Jacob;—


And |Jacob| begat Joseph、 the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus,—who is called Christ.


So then <all´ the generations from Abraham unto David> are |fourteen| generations,

And <from David unto the removal to Babylon> |fourteen| generations;

And <from the removal to Babylon、 unto the Christ> |fourteen| generations.

§ 2. The Birth.

18Now the birth ||of [Jesus] Christ|| was |thus|: His mother Mary having been |betrothed| to |Joseph|,—|before they came together| she was found with child by |the| Holy Spirit.

19Moreover ||Joseph her husband|| being |righteous|, and yet unwilling to expose her,—intended |privately| to divorce her.20 But <when |these things| he had pondered> lo! ||a messenger[2] of the Lord|| |by dream| appeared to him、 saying,—

Joseph、 son of David! do not fear to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for <that which |in her| hath been begotten> is of [the] |Holy| Spirit.


Moreover she shall bring forth a son、 and thou shalt call his name Jesus,[3]—for |he|[4] will save his people from their sins.

22But ||all this|| hath come to pass、 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord、 through the prophet、 saying:


Lo! ||a[5] Virgin|| shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son,—and they shall call his name Emmanuel[6];

which is、 being translated,God with us.

24And Joseph、 |awaking| from his sleep, did as the messenger of the Lord directed him,—and took unto him his wife; 25 and knew her not, until she had brought forth a son,[7]—and he called his name Jesus.

§ 3. The Visit of the Wise Men.

2Now <when |Jesus| was born in Bethlehem of Judæa、 in the days of Herod the king> lo! |wise men from eastern parts| came into Jerusalem: 2 saying—

Where is he that hath been born king of the Jews? for we saw his star in the east, and have come to bow down to him.

3But <when King Herod heard> he was troubled, and all´ Jerusalem with him; 4 <and <assembling all´ the high-priests and scribes of the people> he was enquiring of them—

Where is |the Christ| to be born?

  1. Ap: "Christ."
  2. Ap: "Messenger."
  3. Ap: "Jesus."
  4. He is the one!
  5. Ml: "the "; but prob. (allowing for for Heb. Idiom) better "a."
  6. Is. vii. 14.
  7. Lu. ii. 7, 21.
