Page:The Emu volume 10.djvu/402

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304 -^^^^^ ^'^^ Notices. [aiS"}""- Trip to the Tunnel District, Tasmania. — Mr. P. C. Thompson forwards some interesting notes of birds observed in the above-mentioned locality during October last. He was accompanied by Mr. O. L. Adams, another member of the R.A.O.U. What struck the observers first was the fact that, while birds were hatching in the Launceston district, at the Tunnel very few species were even building. About three dozen species were noted, including the rare endemic Acanthornis magna, or Scrub-Tit, a specimen of which was obtained for museum purposes.

Noisy Scrub-Bird {Atrichia clamosus).— Regarding the original finding of the nest of this species, mentioned in Campbell's "Nests and Eggs," page 1,080, I may state that Mr. J. Hassell, not A. T. Hassell, was in company with Mr. E. A. Hassell when the nest was found. I was shown the locality, and the scrub amongst which the nest was built appears to be a dwarf species of tea-tree (^Melaleuca), which, growing to a height of from 2 to 4 feet, forms comparatively open spaces in the midst of the dense "marlock," or "ma-lock," scrub, that ex- tends over great areas of that district, — TOM Carter. Broome Hill, 27/10/10.

A Cockatoo's Vocabulary. — A White Cockatoo {Cacatua galerita) in the possession of Mr. J. R, Clayton, Prahran, during a sudden downpour of rain and hail to which it was exposed in the yard, gave voice to the following utterances as fast as an observer could take them down in shorthand. All the time the bird was ducking its crested head and waving outstretched wings: — "Cup of tea, Thyra " ; "Hip, hip, hurra"; "Hullo, Silver"; "Hullo, Thyra"; "Here you are"; "Come on"; "Hullo, old fellow" ; "Hullo, Maggie" ; "Have a drink" ; "Hullo, Cocky"; "Good-bye, Tommy" ; "Hip, hip, hurra"; "Hullo there"; "Do you want a drink, Thyra?" "Hullo, Thyra"; "Pretty Thyra;" "Have a drink"; "Do you want a drink?" "Pretty Cocky "; "Hullo, Cocky" ; "Do you want a Thyra?" "Hullo, Margo"; " A cup of Thyra "; " Pretty Joey" ; "Hullo"; "Hullo, Tom"; "Maggie"; "Cocky"; "Have a cup of tea, Tom;" "Hullo, Silver;" "Oh dear, oh dear," &c., &c.

Birds of the Capricorn Islands {Emu, vol. x., p. 195). — The name of the Roseate Tern {Sterna gracilis) was in- advertently omitted from the "draft" list when the list for publication was being compiled. This bird was noticed on North-West Island and at North Reef. Mr. J. W. Mellor writes : — "A bird that the compilers of the list failed to record is the White-fronted Heron (Notophoyx novæ-hollandiæ;). These birds were identified on North-West Island, but were not so plentiful as the Reef-Heron."