Page:The Emu volume 10.djvu/430

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Plan of Area Frequented by Atrichornis.

1.—Indicates spot, No. 1 Mass, where male was first heard (7th October, 1910).

2.—Nest found 16th October (see photo.)

3.—Large sheets of old pine-bark which were examined, with other lots, for No. 2 nest (supposed).

4-—Part No. 2 Mass of débris, where female was seen in company with male (22nd October, 6th November).

5.—Where male was shot (4th December), in thick débris.

6-—Where male uttered single note at 7 p.m. 17th November.

7.—Where I made five attempts to capture the female with the net (16th October) when she was in the nest.

8.—Where male sunned himself 14th November.

9.—Where best view of the male was obtained, when he was feeding on the ground. No. 2 Mass (17th November).

10.—Play-ground of the Lyre-Bird (see photo.)

11.—The roost of male Atrichornis, on small limb under pine log, about 30 ft. from nest.

Note.—Shading of black dots denotes areas where large quantities of fallen trees, vines, and other débris were removed when searching for female and No. 2 nest. The upright lines and black dots together indicate where débris was searched but not carried away. Shading of black upright hues denotes the large, confused masses of fallen trees, vines, &c., under which the Atrichornis lives (see photos.) The male frequented the heaps of débris marked A, B, C, D, and E, Nos. 1 and 2 Masses.