Page:The Emu volume 21.djvu/119

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The Emu

Official Organ of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists' Union

"Birds of a feather."

Vol. XXI. ]
1st OCTOBER, 1921.
Part 2.

The Naretha Parrot (Psephotus narethae) sp. nov.

By H. L. WHITE, C.F.A.O.U., M.B.O.U., "Belltrees," Scone, N.S.W.

Adult Male.—General colour above, including the greater portion of head, the fore-neck and chest pale brown becoming more greyish-olive[1] in tone on the back; the rump and upper tail coverts a rich olive yellow (Pyrite yellow); the nape, hindneck, throat and upper breast mottled with a light buff (Tilleul buff); forehead and lores verditer green; cheeks a rich purplish blue (Violet ultramarine) with an edging of light cream; abdomen (Citron yellow), flanks washed with greyish olive; under tail coverts vermilion; lesser wing coverts cerulean blue outer median wing coverts scarlet vermilion; inner median and greater wing coverts olive yellow (Pyrite yellow); the inner secondaries olive yellow, the inner webs being blackish brown; the outer secondaries, primary coverts a rich blue (Ultramarine); primaries, except the first, which is blackish brown, a rich blue (Ultramarine) extending from their base half way down their outer webs, the other half of their outer webs a pale mauve; the inner webs black; central pair of tail feathers dull olive green, the apical half of their outer webs and tips dull blue; the remainder dull blue at the base, white on their apical portion; all but the lateral feathers with a pale bluish wash on their outer webs extending nearly to their tips. Bill whitish horn colour, bluish at the base; legs and feet dark fleshy grey; iris dark brown. Total length, 285 mm.; wing, 122 mm.; culmen, 10 mm.; tarsus, 19 mm.; tail, 172 mm.

  1. Colors in brackets are taken from Ridgway's "Color Standard of Color Nomenclature."