Page:The Emu volume 4.djvu/18

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Milligan, Notes on a Trip to the Wongan Hills, W.A.
[Emu 1st July

defined. M. pulcherrimus had the western limits of its habitat in the Hills themselves. From that line M. leucopterus held sway until within the ocean influence, when M . splendens appeared and continued to Mogumber. Pomatorhinus superciliosus extended from the Hills for 20 miles westward, and then disappeared with the red soils and gimlet gums. Petrœca goodenovi was not found at the Hills or in their vicinity, but was first met with at some 27 miles westwards, and thereafter continued up to a point within 6 miles of Mogumber, but not farther. At this point Petrœca campbelli was first seen; and this would appear to be the line of osculation. Manorhina obscura was not seen until we reached Mogumber. We did not anywhere meet with such common coastal forms as Meliornis longirostris, M . niystacalis, Acanthochæra lunulata, and Acanthorhynchus superciliosus. Evidently we were some distance from the southern limits of such species as Climacteris superciliosa, Ephthianura aurifrons, E. tricolor, Acanthiza robustirostris, Xerophila castaneiventris, all of which are found at Wurarga and Day Dawn, some 200 miles northward.

Hereunder I tabulate the results of my observations as regards the limits of certain species mentioned before:—


Malurus leucopterus

Acanthiza pallida

Misocalius palliolatus

Drymaœdus pallidus.


Malurus pulcherrimus

Calamanthus montanellus

Cinclosoma castanonotum

Melithreptus leucogenys

Glycyphila fulvifrons

Ptilotis cratitia

Ptilotis ornata

Calyptorhynchus baudini

Platycercus icterotis

Strepera plumbea

Petrœca campbelli.

It would appear that Malurus pulcherrimus, Calamanthus montanellus, Cinclosoma castanonotum, and Ptilotis ornata are supplanted at Wurarga (200 miles north) by Malurus assimilis, Calamanthus campestris, Cinclosoma cinnamomeum, and Ptilotis plumula respectively. Climacteris rufa, which is said to have a northerly range, is represented at the same place by Climacteris superciliosa.


Petrœca campbelli.

Petrœca goodenovi and its doubtful ally, P. ramsayi, evidently take the place of the P. campbelli at Wurarga. The former is found in great numbers at Rottnest Island, which must be taken for the present as its most southern habitat.


Sericornis brunnea

Acanthiza uropygialis

Malurus pulcherrimus

Calamanthus montanellus

Glycyphila albifrons

Misocalius palliolatus

Psephotus multicolor.