Page:The Emu volume 7.djvu/8

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Contents of Vol. VII. — 1907-8.
Melbourne Zoo Notes, 187.
Migration, Have Birds Fixed Routes in? 38.
Mount Arthur, A Trip to, 159.
Mutton-Birds, 187.
Mutton Birds, Traffic in, 119.
Nagambie District (Vict.), Bird- Life in the, 104.
National Parks, 161.
Native Bird Protection Association, 161.
Nesting Places, Queer, 157.
New Zealand Avifauna, The, 198.
North-Western Birds, 103.
Notes and Notices, 1 17, 168, 208.
Nightjar with 'licks, 186
Obituary Notice — Professor Alfred Newton, 113, 168.
Oological Collections, Exchange of, 118.
Oology, 168.
Owls and their Prey, 187.
Parrakeets, Yellow-breasted, 103.
Parrot Pest in Orchards, 199.
Parrots, Australian, at the Crystal Palace Show, 48.
Partridge-Pigeons, 159.
Petrels, A Monograph of the, 169.
Photographhig Herons' Nests, 88.
Pigeon (New) for Australia, 197.
Platycercus adelaidæ in England, 160.
Platycercus xanthogenys a Good Species, 117.
Plumed -Doves, 49.
Plundered for their Plumes, 71.
Poison Again, 102.
President of the A.O.U. Abroad, 210.
Protection of Native Game, 61.
Publications, New, 118.
Publications Received, 64, 213.
Quails, Concerning, 49.
Record Clutch of Struthidca's Eggs, 188
Reference Note, 118.
Regent- Bird, 48.
Reviews — "Supplement to 'The Birds of New Zealand,'" 54 ; "Wild Life in Australia," 58 ; "Nests and
Eggs of Birds Found Breeding in Australia and Tasmania," 110; "How to Sex Cage Birds," 164 ; "From Range to Sea," 164; "Catalogue and Data of the Jacksonian Oological Collection," 201 ; "A Monograph of the Petrels," 205 ; "Birds of Britain," 207.
Robins in Autumn, 38.
Rosella and Crimson Parrakeets, 95.
San Francisco Earthquake, The, 168.
Scone (N.S.W.) Notes, 157.
Seth-Smith, ]Mr. David, 210.
Snipe Feed, How, 199.
South Australian Ornithological Associa-
tion, 63, 116, 167, 207.
Stone- Plover, Antics of the Southern, 188.
Stone-Plover in Tasmania, 36.
Stray Feathers, 36, 87, 155, 186.
Swallows, 118.
Swan Eggs, Destroying, 117.
Swifts, Nesting Place of Australian, 73.
Synæccus australis in New Zealand, 104, 165, i66.
Talbragar River, N. S.W. , Field-Notes on Birds from, 28, 74.
Tasmanian Birds, Some, 39.
Tasmanian Fauna, 105.
Tasmanian Naturalist, The, 160.
Torrens Lake, The Avifauna of, 53.
Townsend River, N.W. Australia, Notes on a Collection of Birds from, 25.
Tree-runners, The Habits of, 37.
Useful Birds, 88.
Wedge-tailed Eagle and Lambs, 43.
Wild Ducks Poisoned, 102.
Wilniot, Tasmania, Bird Notes from, 23.
Yellow-breasted Robin, 47.
Zosterops, New Variety of, 35.


(i) Belt of Sheoaks (G?j-«</r/>w). (2) (Zw> o{ '^o^ {Eucalyptus) plate i
Eagle Rocks ... ... ... ... ... ... plate ii
Pool on Jackson's Creek ... ... ... ... ... plate ill
Nests of White-fronted Heron ... ... ... ... plate iv
Brooding Plumed Egret ... ... ... ... ... plate v
Nest of Plumed Egret — Locality of Heronry ... ... ... plate vi
Young Egrets ... ... ... ... ... ... plate vii
Starveling Egrets ... ... ... .. ... ... plate viii
Kegon Waterfall, Japan ... ... ... ... ... plate ix
Colonel-Surgeon C. .S. Ryan ... ... ... ... plate x
Nests of Night-Heron ... ... ... ... ... plate .i
Tlie late Professor Alfred Newton ... ... ... ... plate xii
Nest of Brown Flycatcher, with Egg of Square-billed Cuckoo ... plate xiii
Nest of Rifle-I5ird ... ... ... ... ... plate xiv
Site of Rifle-Bird's Nest in Booyong Scrub ... ... ... plate xv