Page:The Emu volume 8.djvu/12

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Contents of Vol. F//7.— 1908-9.

Gymnorhina longirostris (Long-billed Magpie), 143.
Hawk, A Hibernating, 225.
High Aim, A, 170.
Honey-eaters Plentiful, 41.
" House-Sparrow in New South Wales, The," 159.
Importation of Bird Plumage and Skins, 232.
In the Barron River Valley, North
Queensland, 233.
Kestrel Mimicking Root, 95.
Lyre-Bird, The, at Poowong, 220.
Lyre-Birds, Proposed Introduction of
into Tasmania, iii.
Malurus dulcis (Lavender-flanked Wren), 113-
Malurus Fighting its Shadow, 95, 151.
Member of the A.O.U. Honoured, 231.
Migratory Notes from Cleveland, Tasmania, 1908, 218.
Minutes of Conference of State Government Representatives on Bird
Protection, Appendix (Part 4).
Montague Island Gullery, The, 80.
Mutton- Bird {Puffinus tenuirostris)
Traffic, The, 91.
Notes and Notices, iii, 170, 231.
Oreoscopus gtitturalis, A Note on, 34.
Pacliyeephala lanioides (White-bellied
Thickhead), 143.
Paradisea raggiana. Nests and Eggs of, 37.
Pardalote, . New, from North-Western Australia, 142.
Partridge-Pigeon {Geophaps scripta), The, 158.
Penguin, Derivation of the Word, 39.
Publications Received, 287.
Raven, The, at Charlotte Plains, 100.
Reviews — " A Monograph of the Petrels (Order Tubinares)," 45, 228; , "Geographical Variations in
. Birds," 46; "The Birds of Middle and North America," 229 ; "The Kea : a New Zealand
Problem," 229 ; " Confessions of a Beachcomber : Scenes and Incidents in the Career of an Unpro-
fessional Beachcomber in Tropical Queensland," 285.
Rhipidura dry as, 149.
Robin, Flame-breasted {Pctraxaphanicia),
The : a Monograph, 122.
St. Patrick's River (Tasmania) Notes, 152.
South Australian Ornithological Associa-
tion, 50, 108.
Stone- Plovers {Bur/iinus grallarius).
Young, and Shingle, 150.
Storm-Petrels, 214.
Stray Feathers, 37, 94, 149, 214.
Swallows and Swifts, 38.
Swifts, Spine-tailed, 94.
Tasmanian Notes, 153.
Thermometer-Bird or Mallee-Fowl [Lipoa
ocellata), 53, 114.
Upper Hunter River District, N.S.W.,
A Trip to, II.
Waterfowl and Weather, 217.
Wattle-Bird, Red (Acanthochcrra carun-
ciilata), 37.
White-eye in New Zealand, The, 226.
White-eye {Zosterops carulescens) : its
Relation to the Orchardist, 35, 161.
Wood-Swallow, Hybrid, 224.
Wood- Swallows as Honey-eaters, 219.
Wood- Swallows Breeding in Captivity, 156.
Wood-Swallows, Movements of, 215.
Zosterops carulescens Nesting, 38.