Page:The Enchanted Parrot.djvu/50

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Story XI

In a village called Dâbhila lived a rustic whose"name was Vilochana. His wife was called Rambhikâ; she was a frivolous, ill-conducted person, but no one ventured to take advantage of her, because her husband was very stern and disagreeable. One day she went to the well to draw some water and saw a very good-looking young man — the son of a Brâhman — the other side of the road. She greeted him with a glance, and he, being well versed in the language of the eyes, readily responded. For it is said: —

" Even an animal knows what you mean if you speak out;

Elephants and horses go forward at the word of command;

But a man of wisdom can divine the unspoken word;

For him a hint is sufficient."

So he went up to the lady and said: " Well, what do you want with me? " " Follow me," she replied. " Come to our house and pay your respects to my husband: I will manage all the rest. Mind you are very polite ! "

So saying, she started off with the young Brâhman behind her. Her husband was a little aston-