Page:The Enchanted Parrot.djvu/52

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she would spare his life he would do anything she wanted. So she took some meal and milk that was standing near, lighted a candle, and was stirring them up when her husband came in. She said, " Don't disturb yourself ! My brother has a fit of the colic, and I was so frightened that I screamed out, and I am making this mixture to try and ease him." Her fool of a husband saw what she was doing, and believing her story went back to bed. The young Brâhman, under pretence of illness, remained a whole month in the house, greatly to his own and Rambhikâ's satisfaction.

Story XII

There is a village called Naluda, and in it lived a very rich potter. His wife Sobhikâ was a person of very indifferent reputation, and fond of attracting notice. One day when her husband was away from home she was entertaining one of her lovers, when the master of the house returned unexpectedly. She was put into a considerable difficulty, but retaining her presence of mind, she took her lover to a vakula tree, which grew just outside the house, and said, " Climb up at once