Page:The Epicurean (Ranhofer, 1920).djvu/882

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(2918). EGGS ON A DISH, PLUMEREY (Œufs sur le Plat à la Plumerey).

Remove the whites from four eggs, keeping the yolks in their shells; mix with these whites half a gill of soubise (No. 723) and half a gill of tomato purée (No. 730); butter a dish plentifully and pour into it the white of eggs, soubise and tomato mixture. Lay the yolks over and cook in a slack oven, bestrewing the top with raw fine herbs. Between each yolk place a round croquette an inch in diameter, made of grated cooked ham mixed with béchamel sauce (No. 409).

(2919). EGGS ON A DISH, ROSSINI (Œufs sur le Plat à la Rossini).

Butter the bottom of a dish, break on it four eggs, being careful to keep the yolks whole. Fry some fat chicken livers cut in escalops that have been seasoned and rolled in flour; garnish around the eggs with these. Cook the eggs in a moderate oven, cover the livers with Périgueux sauce (No. 517) and serve.

(2920). EGGS ON A DISH, VENETIAN STYLE (Œufs sur le Plat à la Vénitienne).

Cut in dice pieces equal quantities of anchovy fillets, broiled and peeled sweet peppers from which the seeds have been removed and good sound tomatoes, scalded, peeled and the liquid squeezed out. Bestrew the bottom of an egg dish with these ingredients, pour over some oil and heat lightly. Break four eggs into the dish, season the whites, and cook in the oven; when removed lay the dish inside of another and serve.

(2921). EGGS ON A DISH WITH BACON (Œufs sur le Plat au Petit Salé).

Butter the dish, break in the eggs without spoiling the yolks, season and set for an instant on the fire and finish cooking in the oven; surround with slices of broiled smoked bacon.

(2922). EGGS ON A DISH WITH CÈPES (Œufs sur le Plat aux Cèpes).

Peel and chop up two or three cèpes heads; melt some butter in a large egg dish, bestrew the bottom with chopped cèpes and these with parsley; season and heat for two minutes. Break six eggs into this dish, and cook in the oven, having them glossy. Eggs can also be prepared with canned mushrooms.

(2923). EGGS ON A DISH WITH CHOPPED HAM (Œufs sur le Plat au Jambon Haché).

Butter the bottom of a small egg dish (Fig. 567), cover it with a layer of cooked and chopped lean ham and over this pour a little melted meat glaze (No. 402). Break four eggs into the dish, salt the whites, and cook in the range oven, letting them get glossy on top. They may also be prepared with boiled tongue instead of ham.

(2924). EGGS ON A DISH WITH TOMATOES (Œufs sur le Plat aux Tomates).

Scald two small partly ripe tomatoes in order to remove the skins, divide each one in two, cut them up small, salt over and drain in a sieve; sautè in butter and range them on the bottom of a small buttered egg dish (Fig. 567); break four eggs into this, salt the whites, scald the yolks and cook in the oven, glossing the tops.

(2925). POACHED EGGS À LA BOËLDIEU AND EGGS À LA BENEDICK (Œufs Pochés à la Boëldieu et Œufs à la Benedick).

Poach two or three eggs; scald two tomatoes just sufficiently to be able to peel off the skins; drain and cut them in slices, then in dice; put the pieces in a pan with oil and sautè on a brisk fire until they have reduced their humidity without dissolving; season highly, and bestrew with chopped parsley. With these tomatoes fill two or three hollowed-out bread crusts (No. 52), and on each lay one of the poached eggs heated at the oven door, basting them over with good reduced velouté sauce (No. 415); range these crusts on separate plates.

Eggs à la Benedick.—Cut some muffins in halves crosswise, toast them without allowing to brown, then place a round of cooked ham an eighth of an inch thick and of the same diameter as the muffins on each half. Heat in a moderate oven and put a poached egg on each toast. Cover the whole with Hollandaise sauce (No. 501).