Page:The Euahlayi Tribe.djvu/199

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Totem, derivation from locality, xviii-xxi.

Kamilaroi, 2, 4, 10, 12.


Inculcation of kindness, 54.

Remembered by the blacks, 134.

Kissing—white foolishness, 126.

Knives, 124.

Kumbuy, spirit women presenting presents to women relations of boys initiated at the Boorah, 59.

Kupathin and Dilbi, phratry names of Kamilaroi tribe, 12.

Kurnai, 10.

Kurreah, crocodile, 95.

Lang, Mr., 5.

Introduction by, ix-xxvii.

Language, 3, 134.

Allied with Kamilaroi and Wirádjuri dialects, 2.

Laughing star, 95.

Lower world, xxvi, 78.

Lunatics, persons spirit possessed, 43.


Rainmaking magic, xv, xvi, 47, 48, 49.

Showers of pebbles produced by wirreenuns, 35.

Totemic magic, xiv, xvi.

Mah, see Totem system.

Maira (paddy melon) totem, 18, 82.

Manhood, initiation ceremonies, see Boorah.

Manna, provision of, in view of drought, 114.

Marahgoo, man-shaped devils with red rugs and a deadly draught, 135.

Marriage and marriage laws—

Age of women, no disqualification, 56.

Claiming of husband by wirreebeenun, 58.

Divorce, 58.

Henpecked black husbands, 58.

Meetings for arrangement of, etc., 81.

Local source of totems among Arunta and Kaitish, effect of, etc., xxi, xxii.

Matrimonial classes —

Number, names, etc.,xiii, 1, 12, 22. Totem kins which always belonged to the same matrimonial classes, 20.
Number of wives—custom, etc., 55.


Phratry divisions and—meaning of names, etc, xi, xxvi, 11, 22.

Pirraam or Piraungara, custom of, xi.

Qualification for—possession of Boorah stones, 81.

Social advance, question of, xiii.

Stealing a woman within forbidden degrees—procedure, 78, 79.

Wedding presents, 58.

Young girl marrying a man with an old wife—Duenna attitude of old wife, 55.

Yunbeai, no marriage restrictions, 21.

Matah, 42, 44, 48, 49, 65.

Mathews's, Rev. Mr., origin of phratries theory, xxvi.

Mayrah, legend of an invisible tribe, 99.

Medicine men, see Wirreenuns.

Meetings other than the Boorah meeting, 81.

Message-stick, 63.

Messengers summoning neighbouring tribes to attend the Boorah, 63, 64.

Meteors, sign of death, 91, 99.

Milky Way legend, 95.

Minggah or spirit—haunted tree of an individual, 21, 22.

Injury or loss of, resulted in evil to possessor, 36.

Places of refuge, 36.

Selection of a Minggah, 29.

Spirits of various kinds secreted in, 29.


Failure, possible causes of, 141, 142.

Influence on the Euahlayi, question of, 2, 5.

Mistletoe branches—legend of disappointed babies wailing for mothers, 51.

Mitchell, Sir Thomas, 5, 31.

Moodai (opossum) totem, with list of multiplex totems, 18.

Moon, see Bahloo.

Moonaibaraban, 59.

Mooroobeaigunnil, spirits aiding journey to Byamee's sky-camp, 90.


Different codes for men and women, 58.

Unchaste women, punishment of, 59.

Mosquito bird legend, 141.

Moungun, armless women legend, 101.

Mourning and mourning customs—widows' caps, etc., 83, 85, 87, 88, 90, 93.