Page:The European Concert in the Eastern Question.djvu/296

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tria[1], and thence runs to the Black Sea to the south of Mangalia, which is included in Roumanian territory. The Black Sea forms the eastern boundary of Bulgaria. On the south the frontier follows upwards from its mouth the mid-channel of the brook near which are situated the villages of Hodzakiöj, Selam-Kiöj, Aivadsik, Kulibe, Sudzuluk; crosses obliquely the valley of the Deli-Kamcik, passes south of Belibe and Kemhalik and north of Hadzimahale after having crossed the Deli-Kamcik at 2½ kilom. above Cengei; reaches the crest at a point situated between Tekenlik and Aidos-Bredza, and follows it by Karnabad Balkan, Prisevica Balkan, Kazan Balkan to the north of Kotel as far as Demir Kapu. It proceeds by the principal chain of the Great Balkan, the whole length of which it follows up to the summit of Kosica.

There it leaves the crest of the Balkan, descends southwards between the villages of Pirtop and Duzanci, the one being left to Bulgaria and the other to Eastern Roumelia, as far as the brook of Tuzlu Dere, follows that stream to its junction with the Topolnica, then the latter river until it meets the Smovskio Dere near the village of Petricevo, leaving to Eastern Roumelia a zone with a radius of 2 kilom. above that junction, ascends between the brooks of Smovskio Dere and the Kamenica, following the line of the watershed so as to turn to the south-west at the level of Voinjak and reach directly the point 875 of the Austrian Staff map.

The frontier line cuts at right angles the upper basin of the brook of Ichtiman Dere, passes between Bogdina and Karaúla, so as to rejoin the line of the watershed separating the basins of the Isker and the Marica, between Camurli and Hadzilar,

  1. All the Commissioners, the Russian excepted, decided on fixing this point 800 yards from the outworks of Silistria, where alone in that neighbourhood a bridge could be thrown over the Danube. The Russian Commissioner objected that the Arab Tabia fortress, which commands Silistria, would thus fall within the territory of Roumania. The Roumanians urged in reply that this fortress would be razed, under Art. 52 of the Treaty, and proceeded to occupy it. It was at length agreed that the best position for a bridge should be fixed by a technical commission, which accordingly met on the spot, and after sitting from 27th October to 9th November, 1879, confirmed the previous decision. Parl. Papers, 1880, Turkey, No. 2; N, R. G. vi, 155−224. New difficulties have, however, been raised, and the question remained unsettled in March, 1885.