Page:The Eurypterida of New York Volume 1.pdf/316

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Stylonurus beecheri (Hall)

(Text figure 67)

Eurypterus beecheri Hall. 2d Geol. Sur. Penn. Rep't PPP. 1884. p. 30, pl. 3, fig. 1
Eurypterus beecheri Hall & Clarke. Palaeontology of New York. 1888. 7: 157, pl. 27, fig. 5
Stylonurus beecheri Beecher. American Journal of Science. 1900. 10:148

We have nothing to add to the elaborate original description of this form, since no other specimens than the holotype are known. As the

Figure 67 Stylonurus beecheri (Hall). Figure of original specimen. Natural size. (From Hall & Clarke)