Page:The Examination and Confession of certain Witches at Chelmsford in the County of Essex.djvu/30

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The Examination of
The examination of them with their con-
feſſion before Doctor Cole and maſter
Foſcue at the ſame Siſe verbatum,
as nere as coulde be gathered, and
firſte of Elizabeth Frauncis who ſaide
as here foloweth

FYRST ſhe learned this arte of witchcraft at the age of xii yeres of hyr grandmother whoſe nam mother Eue of Hatfyelde Peuerell, diſſeaſed. Item when ſhee taughte it her, ſhe counſeiled her to renounce God and his worde and to geue of her bloudde to Sathan (as ſhe termed it) whyche ſhe delyuered her in the lykeneſſe of a whyte ſpotted Catte, and taughte her to feede the ſayde Catte with breade and mylke, and