Page:The Examination and Confession of certain Witches at Chelmsford in the County of Essex.djvu/46

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The Examination

then ſhe toke thoughte howe to kepe her catte, then ſhe and her catte concluded that he the ſayde Catte wolde become a tode, and then ſhe ſhuld kepe him in a cloſe houſe and geue hym mylke, and ſo he wolde continue tyll ſhe came home againe, and then being gone forth, her daughter hauing ben at a neyghbour’s houſe there by, required of one Agnes Browne, of the age of xii yeres or more, a peece of breade and cheeſe, and the ſayde Agnes ſaide that ſhee had none, and that ſhe had not the key of the milkhouſe dore, and then the ſayde Jone went home and was angry with the ſaid Agnes Broun and ſhe ſaide that ſhe remembred that her mother was wonte to go vp and downe in her houſe and to call Sathan Sathan ſhe ſayde ſhe wolde proue the like, and then ſhe went vp and downe the houſe and called Sathan, and then there came a black dogge to