Page:The Eyes of Innocence.djvu/22

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enabling us to establish your mother's identity and your own. The commissary, however, told me of an envelope containing securities which he advised you to lock up carefully. Is it still in your possession?"

"I don't know. ... Mother never told me. ... Is this what you mean?" she asked.

The solicitor took two fat, leather portfolios from the mantelpiece and opened them. He was astounded at what he saw:

"And do you leave this lying about? ... Bonds payable to bearer?"

Gilberte blushed, feeling as if she had committed some enormous crime. He counted the sheets, made a rapid addition and said:

"You are very well off, mademoiselle."

"Really?" she said, absent-mindedly. "Yes ... mother said something ..."

After a peace during which he watched her with increasing surprise, he asked: